Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
* If you want socialized medicine, here’s the plan: First you pass a “weak” law that allows private insurance but imposes all sorts of rules on whom they need to enroll. Then, in order to keep them from going out of business, you require that every American buy health insurance. After that legislation is passed, […]
Read moreThe Market for Security
This is actually a pretty good summary of my views on private law and defense, for those who are interested…
Read moreA Web Conference Summarizing the US Economy
We conceived of this idea earlier in the week, as the market plummeted. The web traffic at is through the roof, and we know people are searching about for various perspectives on what the heck is going on. I will be offering an Austrian (naturally) take on our situation Friday, starting at 6pm Eastern […]
Read moreBig Deficits and Easy Money Have Failed
That was the title I had given it, but at Mises they called it “End This Agony.” For what it’s worth, I consider this the single best critique of Krugman I have written. I realize it will not convince those of you who believe in bigger deficits and more quantitative easing, but I don’t know […]
Read moreFree Advice That Was Totally Worth the Price
This Wednesday I will have a spirited take-down of Krugman’s “I told you so” column from last week. In writing the piece, I dug up this oldie but goodie from the days when Free Advice wasn’t yet potty trained. In all seriousness, I can sleep at night knowing this is what I advised on August […]
Read moreBootleg Video of Mises University 2011
Tom Woods sent me this. I had absolutely nothing to do with it; I didn’t even know these guys were making it until the last day or so. I think next year we are going to have a reality show going on. Can you imagine the drama? “Luke, get out of the shower! We’re going […]
Read moreWhy Is the Stock Market Plunging?
Of course there are specific factors explaining the exact timing–notably the mess in Europe–but I offer a “big picture” explanation in today’s article at It’s worth checking out just for the charts, which are pretty revealing if you haven’t been following that type of thing.
Read moreMurphy on FreedomWatch
I really do look for opportunities to crack jokes, but they never seem to present themselves. A true comedic talent makes his opportunities, I guess. Watch the latest video at
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