Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Attack of the Gnomes

Krugman has his alien invasion, but now the Austrians can say: The Keynesian focus on aggregates such as the “stock” of capital and “supply of labor” leads to faulty policy recommendations. The Austrian School has always had a rich conception of the structure of production. Of the major schools of thought, only the Austrians can […]

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Murphy vs. Graeber vs. Murphy vs. Graeber

I’m not going to give all the links (they are available if you click on the following), but here is the compilation of anthropologist David Graeber’s response to my article, and then here is my follow-up. An excerpt: Graeber admits too that the temple authorities didn’t just independently pick silver because it was lying around. […]

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Did I Ever Predict Hyperinflation?

[Ironic UPDATE below.] One of the standard criticisms of guys like Peter Schiff (and lesser mortals such as me) is that we’ve been falsely calling for hyperinflation for a few years now. For example, Krugman repeatedly rips Schiff on this score, and links people to a Google search of “Peter Schiff hyperinflation 2009.” (Incidentally, I […]

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Karl Smith, a Gracious Loser

I’m not insulting him, really; check out his post. And for all of you cheapskates, here is the free debate: (If anyone feels taken advantage of, let me declare that they hadn’t decided to post it when I was giving instructions on how you could pay and watch the debate after the fact.)

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Introducing the Mises Institute of Canada

On Saturday, September 10 I will be participating in the Mises Institute of Canada’s conference, “Liberty and Oil: the Foundations of Modern Civilization.” As the official description says, we will discuss questions such as the following: “Is resource richness a blessing or a curse? Are Alberta’s oil reserves the source of the relative freedom and […]

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Post-Game Show

Well Karl Smith and I entered the Econ Cage Match of DEATH (his term), and I’m here to tell about it, so… In all seriousness, if you had meant to watch the debate live and just forgot about it (or if you actually have responsibilities or something), you can still register and watch the recording. […]

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Daniel Kuehn: We Keynesians Have Always Been at Peace With Bastiat

I realize I should be more selective in my blogging. I shouldn’t keep focusing on some guy’s blog who just started in a PhD program three days ago. A man of my prominence… heh a little Friday humor for you all. I’m not going to take the time to bring everyone up to speed on […]

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Have Anthropologists Overturned Menger?

My sources say no. And one of my sources is Radford’s classic article on the economic organization of a POW camp. Even if you’ve read it before, I encourage you to skim it again. His description of how cigarettes quickly became money in his camp fits exactly the standard Mengerian account. Anyway here’s an excerpt […]

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