Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Murphy on the Judge’s Show Tonight
Tonight I will be on FreedomWatch, but if it affects your plans it is a guest host. (Her name was Liz-something, sorry I can’t remember exactly.) I’m talking about the stock market, the Fed, and other sexy topics.
Read moreL-L-Let’s See That Again!
I know, I know, you were restless last night. Sure, you got your bi-weekly fix of a post on cash balances, but yet something was missing. Eventually, at 3am, you realized what it was: You really wished you could have seen my Neil Diamond performance from a better angle. And, you were dying to see […]
Read moreDefender of Efficient Markets Hypothesis Gives Away the Game
For a while now, I have been a lone voice crying in the wilderness, claiming that the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) had no empirical content. It was not a falsifiable theory, but rather a way of looking out at the world and organizing it. Note that this isn’t a criticism–it’s what Misesians think about pure […]
Read moreBob “Diamond” Murphy
[UPDATE: I swapped in a video from a better angle and that included my opening joke.] What a way to cap off Mises U last week… Seriously, this band–Fly By Radio–is awesome. Here’s their official promo. The lead singer and guitar are Austro-libertarians and were at Mises U all week. They saw me on Monday […]
Read morePotpourri
* Aristos sends this video of a policeman telling people he’d pulled over that he should have executed them. It’s true that the offense (threatening to kill them) isn’t as bad as in plenty of other videos we’ve showcased, but this one makes the cut because the people are being fairly cooperative. (I.e. in the […]
Read moreThe Economics of Large Cities
Some light reading to get your week going. I draw on some obvious facts of the world and try to explain them using economic reasoning. For example, do you know why the best steakhouses are typically in a big city?
Read moreNelson Mandela and Volunteering
When I’m not breakin’ all the rules regarding interest theory, I take the time to criticize a call for people to volunteer more.
Read morePotpourri
* Another great Anthony Gregory article, this time ripping Republicans. My favorite line: “To say Republicans spend money like drunken sailors insults sailors and greatly exaggerates the effect of alcohol on financial judgment.” * A great Mises Daily (not from me) showing a silly use of mathematical economics to “prove” the efficacy of a carbon […]
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