Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Uh Oh, I’d Better Go to Bed Early on Thursday
Yikes! I knew this guy was no punk, but I didn’t realize he had this in him: I’m debating Bob Murphy on Friday at 6pm. This is a web debate and its pay-per-view. Which means, of course, that both Bob and I will be in the Octagon, battling to submission. This is the econ web […]
Read moreThe Broken Window Fallacy
At today I start from Bastiat and go through this whole thing. However, after the preliminaries I take on the “idle resources” argument too. After all, doesn’t Gene Callahan have a point, that (under the right circumstances) a hurricane might lead to more jobs and GDP in a certain area, than would otherwise have […]
Read moreInventories and GDP Accounting–A Blast From the Past
With all the talk about the pitfalls of GDP accounting (when it comes to natural disasters), I thought it might be good to dig up my article on the absurdity of the mainstream approach when it comes to inventories. It might be hard for it to “click” at first with some of you, but if […]
Read moreThe Fight of the Quarter!
Next Friday, September 2, I’m having a one-hour debate on Keynesian policies with Modeled Behavior Karl Smith. Details here. Insert Krugman references in comments.
Read moreIs This the Inflationary Big One?
I elaborate on the trends in excess reserves and money stock that Wenzel first noted. If for no other reason, you should click the link to see the graphic they put with the article.
Read moreContrasting Views of the Great Depression
This was another talk I gave at Mises U this year. (The opening joke is a reference to an argument between Walter Block and Gary North.)
Read moreAn Open Letter to Mayor Bloomberg
He’s put up $30 million of his own money to supplement a NYC program to help blacks and Latinos enjoy American prosperity. I gave him some suggestions on things that would work better.
Read moreMurphy Twin Spin
On Monday I talked about deleveraging and not fearing the reaper. Today I have an infomercial for the 4-week Mises Academy class starting next week on the sovereign debt crisis. (I’m still taking suggestions for the syllabus, if anyone has ideas.)
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