Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Wage Movements During Two Depressions

In the thread discussing today’s Mises Daily, we are getting into a standard fight over the idea that Herbert Hoover might have had something to do with unemployment (and not because he was a dogmatic laissez-faire kind of guy). Blackadder made the point well: Clearly you have very different outcomes from the 1921 and 1929 […]

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My Heretical and Pathbreaking Work on Austrian Interest Theory

By popular demand, here are two things that are extremely geeky: (A) My doctoral dissertation. (B) A long paper I wrote for a recent Liberty Fund conference on Austrian business cycle theory. I realize how obnoxious this sounds, but it’s just possible that I mapped out enough work to occupy the careers of three productive […]

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The Critical Flaw in Keynes’ System

Just when the Austrians were getting ready to purge me for my “Keynesian” thoughts on interest theory, I confuse everyone by writing this. An excerpt: So even if we mechanically assumed that a fall in labor’s money-wages would translate into a proportional fall in retail prices, labor would nonetheless have the power to reduce its […]

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We’re #75! We’re #75!

I’m extrapolating, but that’s my guess from these rankings of libertarian websites. LRC is of course #1, with the Mises Institute at #3. I’d like to thank all of you for making this possible. Just the other day, I got a fat check from Google Adsense, which Bob Wenzel would not classify as savings by […]

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Taking on the Confidence Fairy

In today’s article at Mises, I am so bold as to challenge Krugman’s analysis even from the point of view of Keynesian international trade. (That’s like Krugman telling me how bald guys should dress.) That part of the story is a bit complex, so I won’t reproduce it here. But on another note, I think […]

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Talk on Economics to The Delphian School

On November 12, 2010 I gave a talk to The Delphian School, a boarding school in Oregon which was an extraordinary thing to behold. I couldn’t believe how mature the students were, and non-traditional the schooling environment was. This is a fairly unique talk, so you might have this play in the background since I […]

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Ron Paul’s Idea to Repudiate the Fed’s Debt Holdings

It’s nowhere near the demand for me to comment on Bitcoin–that article is still forthcoming; it has turned into my Apocalypse Now–but a lot of people were asking what I thought about Ron Paul’s proposal for the Treasury to cancel the debt held by the Fed. So here ya go. An excerpt that I want […]

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May Issue of the LMR and Come to the Night of Clarity!

In the May issue of the Lara-Murphy Report, Carlos and I talk about the Infinite Banking Concept, and we also interview John Papola. If you’re suitably intrigued, go here to get more details about the Night of Clarity (just about two weeks out!) and/or the Lara-Murphy Report.

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