Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Murphy Does Bratislava
I don’t know how to embed the videos here on the blog, but if you go to this link you can see my presentation (to a crowd of about 300) from Monday night in Bratislava, Slovakia and then the Q&A afterward. I’m being particularly demonstrative with the opening jokes to make sure everyone was with […]
Read moreMurphy Twin Spin
On Monday I shared my thoughts on grocery stores, and yesterday I discussed Operation Twist. Some excerpts from the latter: Just the fact that it’s an “operation” is disturbing. Ever since the crisis began, officials have deployed the military metaphor since their only solution to social problems is to start blowing things up. We have […]
Read more“The Good One Versus the Evil One”
Such is the title given to this Mises Institute of Sweden article on my debate with Karl Smith. And here’s the accompanying photo: (I can’t read it, but Klaus Bernpaintner assures me they were otherwise respectful to Smith.)
Read moreThe Final Installment of Man, Economy, and State
Still in Europe, so posting will be sparse until next week. In the meantime, have you ever seen such enthusiasm from me? I’ve enjoyed teaching all of my online Mises Academy classes, but I have never been more excited than I am to teach the upcoming class Money, Monopoly, and Market Intervention. This course covers […]
Read moreTaking On Krugman’s Latest Theory About Gold Prices
For those who follow these things, you know that in the past few weeks the “mystery” of soaring gold prices has apparently been solved by Paul Krugman. Far from signaling that some investors are worried about the fate of the USD, Krugman thinks soaring gold prices are the natural reaction to low real interest rates. […]
Read moreMurphy on Woods on Schiff
This is like Mozart grilling burgers, but anyway here is Tom Woods (bestselling PhD intellectual who went to Harvard) being an angry guy on the radio. He starts in with the completely over-the-top introduction around the 18:00 mark.
Read moreA Bald Economist Gives Financial Advice to Young People
That was my original title, but the suits in Auburn toned it down. An excerpt: It seems counterintuitive, but when a religious person tithes (or when a nonreligious person gives to charitable causes) there is somehow more money each month to work with. For tithing — where a person is supposed to give a specific […]
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