29 Sep 2011

Murphy Does Bratislava

Economics, Shameless Self-Promotion 1 Comment

I don’t know how to embed the videos here on the blog, but if you go to this link you can see my presentation (to a crowd of about 300) from Monday night in Bratislava, Slovakia and then the Q&A afterward. I’m being particularly demonstrative with the opening jokes to make sure everyone was with me; some of the people in the crowd were wearing headphones and listening to the translation.

My talk was titled, “Money and Banking: State versus Market.” (And just to warn you, no, I haven’t altered my talk in light of the anthropologist Graeber’s recent critique of my views. I am getting his book though and will review it for The American Conservative soon.)

One Response to “Murphy Does Bratislava”

  1. David Brewitz says:

    Great presentations as always. I look forward to seeing that review of yours.