Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Fiat Money and the Euro Crisis

My article today at Mises: Lost in all the analysis of the theory of “optimal currency area,” the possibilities for a structured default, the consequences of a collapse of the euro, etc., are two simple questions: Why does the behavior of the Greek government have anything to do with taxpayers in Germany? Why did the […]

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Paul Samuelson Correspondence Regarding My Papers on Capital & Interest Theory

UPDATE: To be clear, I think Samuelson was an amazing character; that’s what I meant below when I say, “They don’t make ’em like this anymore.” Since he died, there’s really nobody left who can criticize Bohm-Bawerk the way he did. Sure it’s fine to debate Krugman, but Krugman doesn’t know Austrian capital & interest […]

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Inflationists in Wolves’ Clothing

I continue my one-man campaign against the disastrous impact of the quasi-monetarists (aka market monetarists) on the punditry. It took Scott Sumner three years to become the new normal; it will just take a collapse of the currency for my own take. An excerpt: Even though their conclusion strikes me as absurd, these quasi monetarists […]

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Reminder: Class on the Best of Rothbard Starts Tomorrow

I am really looking forward to teaching this material. The final third of Man, Economy, and State is jam-packed with great stuff, including the best critiques of Keynesianism (at least the old school variants).

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Danger from the Euro, Malpractice from the Fed

That’s the title of my inaugural piece at the Washington Times. An excerpt: Note the pattern over the last decade: Instead of giving us a painful but standard recession, Alan Greenspan gave us the illusion of a quick recovery in the early 2000s. When the housing bubble burst, it was no longer a mere recession […]

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Elizabeth Warren’s Blank Check

Judging from the number of Facebook “likes,” this is the best column I’ve ever written. It seems libertarians are more excited about someone trying to take their money, than about the finer points of capital theory. An excerpt: Warren is right: there is a widespread view that really wealthy people are very fortunate — that […]

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Reading List in Austrian Economics and Libertarianism

People occasionally tell me that they are new to Austrian economics, and want a reading list. Well if you want the actual books there’s the year-long Home Study Course I developed, but if you’re broke here’s a cheaper way to jump in: Free-Market Economics with an Austrian Flavor * Lessons for the Young Economist. My […]

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Paul Krugman, Pet of Big Government

That’s my latest post at the IER blog, in response to Krugman’s shrugging off of the Solyndra scandal. An excerpt: To repeat, the Solyndra scandal is not simply a matter of the federal government wasting money on bad business ideas—the government does that all the time. Rather, Solyndra is “special” because the government managed to […]

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