“The Good One Versus the Evil One”
Such is the title given to this Mises Institute of Sweden article on my debate with Karl Smith. And here’s the accompanying photo:

(I can’t read it, but Klaus Bernpaintner assures me they were otherwise respectful to Smith.)
Well I looked at the translated article. “I must also confess that I was very impressed by Karl Smith. He had an unusually humble attitude and was unusually respectful of the Austrian School to be Keynesian.” But you apparently won the debate or so the article says.
Karl said so too (though he might have thought I won through theatrics).
“He had an unusually humble attitude and was unusually respectful of the Austrian School to be Keynesian”
HA! Yes, you know those Keynesians. Always rude and disrespectful. It’s in their nature.
You, Krugman, and DeLong are 3 for 3…
BTW that’s mostly a joke. You are way better than Krugman and DeLong which is why I can’t stay away from your blog. But you have been known to use the Smugness Sword in your day.
The Smugness Sword is said to be the only weapon that can slay the Dragon of Dumbness.
I, too, am just kidding. *group hug!*