Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
2 Legit, 2 Legit 2 Quit
OK I don’t want to jinx it by saying so, but I think the blog migration has been successful and we should no longer get a free–oh wait, I paid for it–ad for Fatcow anymore. I’m dealing with some “day job” stuff right now, but I’ll post on the sordid affair later today. In the […]
Read morePotpourri
* I was hired to evaluate the budget numbers in this novel. I thought they were too optimistic, which the author was glad to hear. * Carlos Lara and I did a radio show in Vegas, baby. Topic: Our book. * This year I have two separate nominations up (here and here) for “Funniest Geek […]
Read moreProof That Krugman Doesn’t Read
Well I really thought a few weeks ago I demonstrated that you need more than simple accounting to come up with Krugman’s constant assertions that debt reduction will lead to lower incomes. But Krugman writes today, in a post entitled “Death By Accounting Identity“: Martin Wolf has a somewhat despairing-sounding column this morning, in effect […]
Read moreKling for Kids
I am really hustling in my entrepreneurial capacities lately, so I haven’t had the luxury of commenting on the back-and-forth Arnold Kling is having with his critics on his view of economic “recalculation.” Specifically, the argument is whether we add anything to our discussion of recessions and recoveries if we talk about the need to […]
Read moreLandsburg vs. Murphy on the Supercommittee
Oh boy, strap on your seatbelts kids because Landsburg and I are going at it. You will never see such rapid-fire deployment of assumptions, rhetorical tricks, absurd scenarios, and kidney punches as when the two raconteurs from Rochester duke it out in the comments of his blog. (I was born and raised in Rochester, and […]
Read moreBack From Michigan
I’m back in Music City. The bus tour in MIchigan was definitely a new experience for me. I was really hoping we would get hecklers but it never happened while I was there. Apparently there were some Occupiers who tried to disrupt the stops in Pennsylvania. We also saw evidence of them on the bus. […]
Read moreMurphy in Michigan
I am going to hook up with the Energy for America bus tour, as it hits the cities of Midland, Mt. Pleasant, Traverse, and Portage. (Consult the schedule for more specific times.) BY NO MEANS am I suggesting that people drive a long ways to this thing. My understanding is that a few of us […]
Read moreGuest Post: Praising the Financial/Economic Punkosphere
[Frequent commenter James Miller submitted this to me a good two months ago, and I somehow managed to just post it today. But, he should appreciate my punky behavior.–RPM] Praising the Financial/Economic Punkosphere by James E. Miller Last December, the New York Times ran a piece entitled “10 Annual Year in Ideas.” The number one […]
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