Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

How the Private Bankers Are Using the Financial Crisis to Reshape World Government

How’s that for a neutral title? If you are willing to play this in the background, there are a few decent jokes sprinkled throughout.

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Learn the Views of Mises on Money and Banking!

Admit it: You’ve had that copy of The Theory of Money & Credit on your shelf since October 2008. When TARP went through, you thought the end was near, and you needed to go back to the ancient texts to get guidance through the storm. But then Mises started talking about “credit money” and you […]

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* Bob Wenzel has some concerns about gold confiscation, if the feds get serious. In short: It’s hard to hide a bunch of metal, since there are detectors built specifically for that purpose. * Russ Roberts interviews Nassim Taleb. I will always like Taleb, because he answered my emails back in the day and even […]

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My Roast of Stefan Molyneux at PorcFest 2011

This happened in June 2011. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

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Watch Mises Circle Live, This Saturday!

Here is the link to the live webcast of this Saturday’s Mises Circle in Houston. And here are the details.

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My FreedomWatch Appearance

Next week, Glenn Beck is going to have me on his show for a full segment to walk his viewers through my 9-period apple model. (Of course that’s a joke.) Watch the latest video at I just watched this for the first time. I was worried that maybe I would have said something a […]

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Murphy Watching Out for Freedom Tonight

Just finished taping with the Judge. Topic: Paul Krugman and “we owe the debt to ourselves.” Since some of you seem unmoved by crystal clear counterexamples, perhaps my soundbite on Fox will move you.

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Death and Toxics: Krugman’s Botched Commentary on Mercury

Those who already think Krugman is slippery may nonetheless be astounded at what happened in this episode. To be clear, I don’t think Krugman consciously distorted anything here. As I said to my colleague on this, Krugman is usually pretty good at writing something totally misleading but technically defensible. Here, because he trusted a Grist […]

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