Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion


* Walter Block can die now, after this moving tribute from Lew Rockwell. * What it looks like when Brad DeLong says, “Yeah, I was unfair to Ludwig von Mises.” As an added bonus, the concession was wrung by Gene Callahan! (It’s not April 1, right?) * A lot of people liked this Tom Woods […]

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* My cousin Frank alerted me to the termination (of his contract, not his heartbeat) of Pat Buchanan. And here I was, thinking I had a shot at the slot after Maddow. * Dan Carroll, the guy who blogs about counterproductive government foreign-adoption policies, had an exchange with me in the comments of Bryan Caplan’s […]

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Play the EPA Number Game!

Earlier this week, the Institute for Energy Research (IER)–for which I’m the resident economist–submitted its formal comment on the EPA/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s plans to impose higher fuel economy standards on light-duty trucks. I think many of you will be surprised at our findings. But rather than just tell you, let me motivate it […]

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* Mario Rizzo is clearly not one of us. He writes, “Over the past two years I have been reading more than I ever dreamed about rationality in economics, especially in the standard neoclassical theory of choice. I have done this because I want to get at the root of the controversies concerning whether people’s […]

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Lessons from Solyndra

I have the EconLib featured article this month. If you haven’t really been following the Solyndra story, and want to get up to speed, this is your one-stop shopping. An excerpt: My goal here is twofold: first, to summarize the key events in the Solyndra case and explain why it is a scandal and not […]

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* “Stuff” that libertarians say (HT2 Tyler Cowen). Some made me chuckle. * Glenn Greenwald on Leon Panetta’s confirmation (not in so many words) that yes, Barack Obama is Emperor Palpatine. * Speaking of which, did you actually read the details of what happened to those British tourists who were tweeting jokes about digging up […]

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Reminder About Mises Academy Class

Remember kids, my class on Mises’ first major work starts tomorrow; infomercial is here. As I said on Facebook: If you don’t have the money for it, put it on credit. I don’t think we will have the time to talk too much about clearinghouses, but Mises does do a great job explaining that in […]

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Krugman and Kuehn Take Me to the Woodshed on the 1920-1921 Depression

I have all sorts of sarcastic wise-alecky things I could say, but let me just play the straight man on this one. On Sunday Krugman had a quick post titled “Harding” in which he alluded to unnamed gnats who kept repeating that the 1920-1921 experience showed the success of austerity policies. Krugman at that time […]

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