Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Does Ethanol Make Gasoline Cheaper?
There is a big push by the pro-ethanol people to publicize the results of a new study from Iowa State showing that ethanol “reduced gas prices by 89 cents per gallon in 2010.” I didn’t have too much time to respond, but here is what I wrote for IER last week on it. For those […]
Read moreAustrians versus Chicago School
I wrote this piece because two different people asked me in the same week if there were an article such as this… An excerpt: Although Friedman’s analysis sounds perfectly reasonable, and the epitome of “scientific,” Mises thought it was a seductive trap for economists. For a quick illustration of the difference in perspectives, let me […]
Read moreThe Truth About Robert Reich
Mises’ groupies will be able to tell where I’m broadcasting this from. Anyway, we decided I should respond to this video from Robert Reich.
Read moreKeynes, Krugman, and the Crisis
The infomercial for my next Mises Academy class is up today. It’s sort of like Christopher Hitchens teaching a class on John Calvin. As usual, the graphics they made for my article are the best part. Look at how Krugman appears to be praying to Keynes. (For those who are serious, let me say that […]
Read moreMurphy Finally Gets Some Respect from the MMT Camp
Details here. (I have the 11th comment.)
Read moreMore on the Gold Standard
Not too much in the way of pathbreaking theory here for the old veterans, but you might add these to your rhetorical arsenal: One of the most absurd objections to returning to a gold standard is that “You can’t eat gold.” I am not making this up; Dave Leonhardt of the New York Times actually […]
Read moreMurphy Takes on Another (Post) Keynesian
Remember when Galvatron says, “First [Optimus] Prime, then Ultra Magnus. And now, you. It’s a pity you Autobots die so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!” ? Yeah, I thought that was pretty sweet too. Anyway, I recently took on Dean Baker after our Congressional showdown. Then in the most recent […]
Read moreMurphy on FreedomWatch
I toyed with the idea of telling the Judge that actually, they jacked up income tax rates to ridiculous levels pretty soon after they were implemented–the top rate was 77% in 1918–but I wasn’t sure how to get the proper tone across so I played it safe. Watch the latest video at
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