Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Tax Breaks and Gas Prices

Oh boy, you kids are in for a treat. John Connolly (the author of the recent guest post on being a Ron Paul delegate) spent some time setting up my YouTube capabilities. I’ll post a new video at least once a week, maybe more.

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* Here is a trailer for a novel (The Eagle Has Crashed) where the author had hired me to review his economic projections. * David R. Henderson brings our attention to a truly shocking op ed by Stanley Fish regarding the alleged double standard on the Bill Maher / Rush Limbaugh / using-naughty-words-to-describe-women issue. * […]

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* At the risk of giving students to my “competitors,” I draw your attention to the current offerings at the Mises Academy. Some new and interesting stuff. Oh to be a young student in 2012 was divine! * The Teacher’s Manual to my textbook Lessons for the Young Economist is now available. * Some neat […]

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St. Patty’s Day Slug Fest: Murphy vs. O’Reilly

I forgot to blog this when it came out… At the Institute for Energy Research I wrote a blog post pointing out the nonsense behind Bill O’Reilly’s recent tirades against oil exports. Sample: Bill O’Reilly’s talking points against oil companies completely misconstrue the actual trade flows of crude oil and refined products. Yet even if […]

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Update on Scott Sumner Showdown

Sorry for not mentioning this sooner, but here’s an update: At my request, Scott and I have postponed our debate that was originally scheduled (I think) for January. The reason is simple: I got bogged down with “day job” stuff and couldn’t prepare. I think for sure if I had debated Scott in January, it […]

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Murphy on Stossel on SEC

Yikes with all of my traveling I almost forgot to tell you that my clip with Stossel is supposed to air tonight (Thursday) at 9pm. I think I’m the second guest of the episode. Also check this out–it alone makes my bondage to Mark Zuckerberg worthwhile.

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Mankiw vs. Rothbard

This was a Mises Daily I had last week that I forgot to post. An excerpt: In a recent New York Times piece, bestselling textbook author, Harvard professor, and Mitt Romney advisor Greg Mankiw offered four principles of tax reform that are almost universally endorsed by professional economists, even extremely free-market ones. In the present […]

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Answers to Reddit “Ask Me Anything”

I know the synch gets way out of whack on this, but I’ve already put a bunch of time into this and I really have to move on with my life. Pretend it’s a kung fu movie, or that I’m transmitting from a Martian base.

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