Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Porc Fest: It’s on Like Donkey Kong
OK I just bought my plane tickets so it’s official: I’ll be at “Porc Fest” from Wednesday the 22nd through Sunday. Details of the event are here. I am doing (I think) at least one event per day, and I believe karaoke night is Wednesday. I hear Dan D’Amico, Roderick Long, and Stefan Molyneux will […]
Read moreMurphy on FreedomWatch Tonight
It’s a pretty quick hit, talking about the government acting like a household. MMTers are sure to enjoy it.
Read moreCondensed Murphy Testimony vs Kucinich
OK thanks to Steve Miller (who’s going to dance, dance, dance now that his chores are all done) for compiling my recent testimony down to 11 minutes and change. So if you were waiting for it to come out on DVD, here ya go: The exchange with Kucinich (on whether the Fed should be transferred […]
Read moreOur Continuing Slump
[UPDATE below.] What?! In this article I actually claim that the Austrians have held their own against the Keynesians when it comes to steering through the choppy waters of the housing boom and now bust. I imagine Daniel Kuehn and some of the other frequent commenters here will not agree. One thing that I didn’t […]
Read moreMurphy Twin Spin on International Trade and Currencies
To get you warmed up, I tell people to stop worrying about the yuan in the Freeman. An excerpt: When Krugman and others complain about the Chinese keeping their currency “artificially weak,” what they really mean is that the Federal Reserve—under both Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke—has been out-inflating the rest of the world. Under […]
Read moreBob Murphy Tells “the Best Tom Woods Story Ever”
[UPDATE below.] An oldie but goodie from the Campaign for Liberty’s Iowa regional conference in May 2010. My dad wanted to send this one to somebody so I had to dig it up, and it was a challenge for me to find it on YouTube. Lest it become lost to history forever, I am preserving […]
Read moreA Lesson in Subjective Value Theory
Today at Mises. You know how a lot of times, you bump into a guy with a bunch of barrels of fish, and he’s trading them for another guy’s horse? And you wish you had a theoretical framework to explain the price upon which they agree? Rest easy.
Read moreGovernment Ag Policies: Harvesting Absurdities
You can see my George Costanza impression in the beginning, and at the end I quote extensively from Catch 22. Oh, I also explain some economics in it, if you’re into that kind of thing.
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