Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Murphy vs. Fed Economist
This was my debate with Gerald Dwyer, an economist who worked for the Atlanta Fed back in February. I am at a hotel right now for a Mises Circle event so I haven’t been able to watch any of this. On the off-chance that some new readers haven’t heard about it, I have a campaign […]
Read moreA Satisfied Customer
I recently got this email from Ryan, reproduced below with permission. I like reading his email a lot more than the comments from David S. on this blog. Good afternoon Dr. Murphy, I am currently reading your book (as we speak in fact) Lessons for the Young Economist and am currently on page 42. Ever […]
Read morePotpourri
* Silas Barta smells a rat in the official inflation numbers. * Ha ha, those Austrian economists teach at small schools and have funny names for their dogs. QED. * I have written in several places that the Fed is responsible (at least in part) for rising commodity prices and oil in particular. Jerry Taylor […]
Read moreTom Woods Plugs “Night of Clarity” and Murphy Karaoke
Remember, there is a 10% discount if you sign up for this year’s event by May 15th.
Read moreMurphy on FreedomWatch Talking About the Debt Limit
Watch the latest video at
Read moreMy Critique of MMT
…is up at An excerpt: According to many proponents of MMT, “deficits don’t matter” when a sovereign government can issue its own fiat currency, and all the hand wringing over the government’s solvency is absurd. In fact, the MMTers claim that given the reality of a US trade deficit, a sharp drop in the […]
Read moreMy Facebook Status Today
Today: Robert Murphy thinks “in the ballpark” is a nonsense phrase. If I had to drop a ball from an airplane, getting it “in the ballpark” would be really hard. Even if I were in the parking lot, getting it “in the ballpark” would be hard. But if I were already *in* the ballpark, doing […]
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