Author Archive

Atlas, Flubbed

Daniel Kuehn, March 15, 2012: My reaction to the story itself (I’ve only read the first 100 pages or so of the book, and that was many years ago) was the same as the suspicions about it that I shared on here a couple months back after seeing the trailer: Ayn Rand really reaches for […]

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* At the risk of giving students to my “competitors,” I draw your attention to the current offerings at the Mises Academy. Some new and interesting stuff. Oh to be a young student in 2012 was divine! * The Teacher’s Manual to my textbook Lessons for the Young Economist is now available. * Some neat […]

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St. Patty’s Day Slug Fest: Murphy vs. O’Reilly

I forgot to blog this when it came out… At the Institute for Energy Research I wrote a blog post pointing out the nonsense behind Bill O’Reilly’s recent tirades against oil exports. Sample: Bill O’Reilly’s talking points against oil companies completely misconstrue the actual trade flows of crude oil and refined products. Yet even if […]

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National Income Accounts Bask

OK kids here’s one for you (since the BEA keeps sending me to voicemail): If you look at the FRED data for current (i.e. nominal) expenditures, unless I’m doing the math wrong it shows that for a few years (particularly in the 1940s) total government consumption and gross investment is higher than total government expenditures. […]

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How Low Does Krugman Have to Go…

…before his Keynesian colleagues abandon him? In a recent post Krugman writes: Mark Thoma catches Kevin Hassett playing for Team Republican; really, no surprise. But Mark’s catch has me thinking: what, if anything, would make reasonable, moderate conservative intellectuals accept that the GOP no longer offers them a home? For such people do exist — […]

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Now That He Can’t Respond, I Critique Christopher Hitchens

In the comments of last week’s post Major Freedom posted a quotation from Christopher Hitchens, criticizing the very structure of Christianity. I gave it a careful look because another commenter, AC, exclaimed that it was a great quote and should prove devastating to any Christian, but in particular a Biblical literalist. I have to say […]

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Guest Post: Ron Paul’s Delegate Strategy

Editor’s Note: John Connolly is a computer whiz, camera guy, and generally a jack-of-all trades who is staying at my house for a couple of weeks while in town on a business trip. He was mentioning to me his recent experience as a temporary precinct chairman in Washington State. I asked him to write it […]

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Mises Gives Fodder to Conspiracy Theorists

I talk with plenty of people who think a small group of bankers basically run the world–and the odd thing is, I can’t really see a flaw in their argument. (Of course, given my religious views, I would take it one step further.) In that context, check out this passage I just ran across in […]

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