Author Archive
The Heartland Institute / Peter Gleick Affair
As promised, here are my extended thoughts on what has been dubbed “Fakegate” (by the friends of Heartland, of course). If you never really dug into this, you might be surprised at what happened. Here is my conclusion: The Heartland affair has shown not merely that some climate alarmists (namely Gleick) will stoop to outright […]
Read moreMurphy on Mises on Money
I thought this particular lecture (from the Mises Academy class that just ended, where we covered Ludwig von Mises’ Theory of Money and Credit) turned out pretty nicely. So I asked The Man if we could put it up for the world, and he agreed. Here is the audio: and here is the PowerPoint I […]
Read moreTax Breaks and Gas Prices
Oh boy, you kids are in for a treat. John Connolly (the author of the recent guest post on being a Ron Paul delegate) spent some time setting up my YouTube capabilities. I’ll post a new video at least once a week, maybe more.
Read morePotpourri
* Here is a trailer for a novel (The Eagle Has Crashed) where the author had hired me to review his economic projections. * David R. Henderson brings our attention to a truly shocking op ed by Stanley Fish regarding the alleged double standard on the Bill Maher / Rush Limbaugh / using-naughty-words-to-describe-women issue. * […]
Read moreA Clarification of My Views on Christianity
[UPDATE below with Mencken link.] There are two very common arguments that people in the comments bring up every week. So I thought I would try to deal with them here “in the spotlight.” First:: People often ask some variant of, “Much of your evidence, Murphy, for Christianity is actually consistent with other world religions. […]
Read moreMarket Monetarism Bask
Somebody help me out here: Scott Sumner is acting like Ben Bernanke is contradicting himself with current Fed policy, and yet the latest BLS report shows that over the last 12 months, the “core” price inflation rate was 2.2%. (The headline CPI rate year/year was 2.9%, while on the PPI we see that finished goods […]
Read moreFor Once I Agree Wholeheartedly With Daniel Kuehn
There is something very clever at this link, I hope you’ll agree…
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