Author Archive
Minimum Wage
This will be the last ECON MOMENT until I experiment with the mic situation. I realize this sounds like I’m being huffy, but I don’t feel like reading a bunch of comments from people offering to buy me a mic every time I post one of these. Hopefully by the weekend I will see how […]
Read moreKrugman Lets the Cat Out of the Bag on Socialized Healthcare
Like that guy in 1984 who liked Big Brother a little too much, I think the Party higher-ups may have to take care of Krugman for running his mouth a little too recklessly in his discussion of the Supreme Court and ObamaCare: Well, ObamaRomneycare is basically a somewhat klutzy way of simulating single-payer. Instead of […]
Read moreSee Bob, Tom Woods, and Other Nutjobs From the Convenience of Your Computer
Tomorrow I will participate in a live Q&A session. I start at 8:30pm eastern, then Israel Andserson, then Tom Woods, then Michael Bolding. Details here.
Read moreUncomfortable Laws from the Old Testament
It would be easy enough for me to dwell on the goodness of Jesus and wax eloquently on how much better the world would be, if more of us followed His example. However, that would seem to skirt the tough issues, so let me deal with a particular command from the Old Testament that I […]
Read moreClimate Wars Bask
I am going to do a follow-up post (here at Free Advice) next week regarding my recent post on the Heartland Institute / Peter Gleick affair. I still agree with my main points in that post, but in the comments here Stickman made me realize that I had misunderstood what Peter Gleick’s official story was. […]
Read moreECON MOMENT: Unintended Consequences
This one is actually somewhat interesting. Like, even a 7th grader might be able to bear it. It starts out with armed robbery.
Read moreECON MOMENT: Oil Speculators and Iran
Instead of procrastinating by reading other people’s banal blog posts, I have found a new way to keep from earning income directly…
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