Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

When You Think a Lot About Liberty, Your Hair Falls Out

This is Stefan Molyneux, who for some inexplicable reason is a bigger star in the libertarian community than me…so far. In all seriousness, this was a very pleasant interview. At the end we even dabble in religion, and no one is smited (though perhaps smitten).

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Tom Woods Gives Friendly Advice to Paul Krugman

Remember kids, it’s From there you can go directly to the pledge page. I have plenty of fun ideas to promote this in the coming months, but I can’t do too much if the pledge total peaks. But if it keeps rising, then it’s still a “story” and I can work with it.

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Someone Explain To Me…

…how I am 7 slots behind Scott Sumner in a ranking of Austrian economics blogs? (HT2 some other guy who beat me too.)

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==> Rob Bradley has some neat quotes from Milton Friedman, some of which I’ve never seen before. ==> Arthur Laffer and Ford Scudder lay out the looming “fiscal cliff.” Some big numbers for tax-rate increases that are currently in the cards. ==> The grand shi strategy of Ron Paul. ==> The mischievous von Pepe sends […]

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Should We Label Paul Krugman as a “Free-Market Economist”?

Yes kids, once again we return to a familiar theme here at Free Advice: trying to use evidence to get Daniel Kuehn to change his opinion on something involving Paul Krugman. Now many of you will say, “Bob, what’s up? You’ve written a book that has often been (erroneously) described as a NYT bestseller, you […]

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Singing “Twist and Shout” at Mises U 2012

Here it is. I gave this disclaimer on Facebook: I swear these smart phones are out to get me. I think it sounded much better live. My bit of independent evidence (since Tom Woods et al. would just be nice to me) is that some random Auburn U girl comes up afterwards and says, “You’ve […]

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How Would a Free-Market Society Provide Law and Military Defense?

We answer these central questions in my new online Mises Academy class, which starts August 1. Summer pricing: the 6-week class is only $59! Full infomercial here.

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More on Krugman and Marginal Product, Sans Calculus

By popular request, my new article at The American Conservative makes the same basic point that Karl Smith made back in November, but I think I spelled it out here very clearly to isolate Krugman’s mistake. Contrary to some of you guys in the comments, I don’t think the issue on this one was nominal […]

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