Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Anatomy of the Fed–Summer Pricing!

Oh boy kids, here it is: Another session of my blockbuster Anatomy of the Fed online course starts at Mises Academy on June 25. And special summer pricing: Only $79 for an 8-week course. If you do the math, that works out to…like, a really inexpensive course. Full details are here. There’s also a screen […]

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Murphy Twin Spin

Man really busy basically for all of June… To prevent some of you from going into horrible withdrawal, here are two recent articles: ==> Another of my columns at the The American Conservative, this time on government’s role in dividing us. I mention gay marriage and contraception coverage, but those are just a springboard to […]

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* Here’s an interesting video in which Christopher Hitchens claims to disprove the existence of God in fewer than 10 minutes. I actually did like his argument about North Korea. It’s a viewpoint so foreign from mine that it’s hard for me to even formulate a response. * Speaking of a purely rational morality, David […]

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Some of these have been sitting on my browser for so long, they started paying rent… FORGOT IN INITIAL POST: This YouTube video of Superman vs. the Hulk is hilarious. I’m not talking about the video itself, which you don’t even need to watch. I’m talking about the comments. I scrolled through five pages of […]

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Murphy Twin Spin Krugman Kracking

Ah, the best birthday present a boy could hope for! As a pure coincidence, my independent critiques of Krugman run on the same day. In this piece at, I take on Krugman’s recent thoughts on the Fed and employment data. An excerpt: Steve Horwitz does a good job explaining why Krugman’s understanding of US […]

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Weissenberger and Murphy Solve the World’s Problems in 46 Minutes

Redmond and I talk about climate models and the euro. Never before have so few pontificated about so much for so long.

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Murphy Interviewed by Woods on Peter Schiff Show

Tom is hosting The Peter Schiff show right now, and they are having me on at 11am Eastern. I think you can listen live here.

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My Response to Nordhaus on “Global Warming Skeptics”

Back in March economist William Nordhaus wrote a long essay in the New York Review of Books in which he took on the “global warming skeptics,” and in particular 16 scientists who had written a WSJ op ed urging caution before embracing government measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Today IER put up my detailed […]

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