Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
Murphy Responds to Ezra Klein’s Crazy Fed Proposal
Steve Landsburg took a swing (and missed! But head up Steve no one bats a thousand) at Ezra Klein’s crazy Fed proposal when I was down at Mises U, just in time for me to incorporate it into my talk that day. Thanks to Chad Parish for editing. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Read morePotpourri
==> Conservative politicians in Germany want the government to pay stay-at-home moms for taking care of their kids. Liberal groups are mad because it reinforces antiquated views of the family and gender roles. This is an issue that could benefit from a libertarian perspective. ==> Tom Woods calls Max Keiser’s bluff. ==> A Phoenix woman […]
Read moreI Hear a Train a Comin, It’s Comin Down the Tracks
Sorry everyone but I am working through some major deadlines and won’t be able to blog much, at least through mid-September. (However, if you just can’t stand it, find me on Facebook, as Robert P. Murphy who lives in Nashville. That’s where I go when I have a lot of work to be done and […]
Read moreHow Draconian Is the Ryan Plan?
Today at The American Conservative I examine this question. The money excerpt: Hardly. The first jaw-dropping fact—in light of the commentary above—is that Ryan’s plandoesn’t even call for a balanced budget until the year 2040. Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself on page 84 of the actual proposal [.pdf]. There, the analysis proudly declares: “The […]
Read moreReader Mail: Reconciling Anarcho-Capitalism With Christianity
Bill Peacock (a fellow Christian) sent me some concerns about my Mises Academy online class on anarcho-capitalism. With permission, I reproduce portions of his email below and offer my reactions. Note that I am offering this post partly as a way just of airing “alternative views” that are well-reasoned; I am not trying to answer […]
Read more“Messengers for Liberty” Documentary Trailer
Sorry if I already posted this; I get mixed up with FB and the blog, sometimes. Anyway just in case I haven’t posted it here:
Read moreThe Market for Security (Mises 2012)
This is one of the talks I gave in Auburn in late July. I run through an economic case for complete privatization of judicial, police, and military services.
Read morePotpourri
==> This was a post I did on ethanol policy and food prices a few weeks ago. There’s a surprise. ==> Don’t worry about ethanol mandates causing high food prices. The US military is here to save the day. ==> There’s a famous econ blogger out there, who thinks the authorities need to boost Aggregate […]
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