Archive for Potpourri


I am really cheating on this one; my Firefox browser is filling up with tabs, so I’m putting things in this blog post to which “I shall return!” * Jim Manzi gives a quick and dirty estimate of the costs and benefits of Waxman-Markey. Note that I literally haven’t even skimmed this yet, but in […]

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* During the debate over cap and trade, there was a lot of gnashing of teeth–including a “worst person in the world” designation from our national moralist–about the Republicans’ use of an MIT study to say the average American household would pay $3100 per year, once the program really kicked in. The MIT professor said […]

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* Robert Wenzel tells us “the next big thing” in the financial world. (I think he means, the next big thing after Bernanke’s balance sheet.) * The principles of Walt Disney’s success [pdf]. * The 1870s depression wasn’t so bad after all (HT2 Tom Woods). * This guy says what everyone needs to be saying: […]

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* Tim Haab over at Env-Econ links to this story about flatulent cows. I don’t care about the fish oil; what caught my eye was the casual discussion of capping the number of farm animals to avert global warming. I had never heard that before; up till now, I thought that was just a reductio […]

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* Tyler Cowen links to a piece that explains a strategy to game the Geithner plan. * Oh man, more talk about the Fed’s “weapons” at Mankiw’s blog…Check it out: Some people are concerned that in the the fight against recession, the weapons of monetary policy are nearly out of ammunition. That is certainly the […]

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* I defend the gold standard. * Rose and White warn the Fed that it is committing the opposite mistake that (according to Friedman) the Fed committed during the 1930s. * Arnold Kling has a great post about financial regulation. * Not sure what I’m saying here. * James Fogal sends the YouTube below. I […]

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* My brother sends me this YouTube of Hitler reacting to the Buffalo Bills’ signing of Terrell Owens. (We grew up in Rochester and so are Bills fans–they lost the Superbowl every year I was in high school. I am still bitter.) This is now the 3rd or 4th spoof of this scene; can someone […]

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Three great pieces for ya… * The definitive free marketeer blog post on how to think about the mark-to-market controversy. * Bob Higgs rolls up his sleeves and blows up (what he calls) vulgar Keynesianism. I warn you that there are a few equations in here, but this is top-flight stuff. Higgs really nails the […]

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