Author Archive

He Is Risen Indeed

From Matthew 28: 28 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the […]

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Krugman Throws 99% Under the Bus on Inflation?

Uh oh, I know some of you don’t like it when I say this, but I think we have another Krugman Kontradiction on our hands… In his recent op ed calling for a moderate increase in inflation, Krugman writes: [W]ould a rise in inflation to 3 percent or even 4 percent be a terrible thing? […]

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On the “Big Oil Tax Loopholes”

I have a commentary at the Institute for Energy Research (IER) on the Administration’s recent efforts to stick it to the big oil companies. An excerpt: The rhetoric concerning the domestic manufacturing deduction is particularly silly. Back in 2004 Congress changed the tax code to encourage companies to keep their production activities within the United […]

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Come to Porcfest 2012!

Check out this promotional poster for the Comedy Roast that will occur on Friday, June 22 at this year’s Porcfest event: Here is my write-up of Porcfest 2011. If you can get there, you should. All the details for this year’s Porcfest are here. UPDATE: Duh, here is my performance as a Roaster at last […]

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More Krugman Mayhem Regarding the Hoover Record

I tell you, Dr. Paul Krugman is an absolute master of writing things that are incredibly misleading, but are technically not lies. The following actually took my breath away: Just to be clear, you can, if you choose, make moral arguments to the effect that it’s wrong to seize the rightful earnings of the wealthy […]

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Paul Ryan, Draconian Budget Slasher?

I just did a podcast with James Delingpole (yes, the climate change guy) and he had mentioned that we might discuss Paul Ryan’s budget. Turns out we didn’t talk about Ryan specifically, but here was the point I was going to make: Go to the actual budget proposal [.pdf] (so no fear that we’re relying […]

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Paul Krugman Hits the Bar Before Answering Steve Keen

I am super busy with “day job” stuff so I can only do a hit-and-run: In the big blogosphere battle between Krugman and Steve Keen, the latter threw out some sweeping insults of New Keynesian economics. One of the things Keen said was: Firstly, there are similar underlying principles to the DSGE models that now […]

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A Note on ECON MOMENTS and Ron Paul vs. Non-Neutrality of Money

[UPDATE below.] Just to give you a quick update, over the weekend I bit the bullet and bought a new camera that takes a mic. However, my parents are coming into town this week for Easter, and then I’m traveling like CRAZY for two weeks. (As Dennis Miller would say, I’m going to make Kerouac […]

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