Author Archive

Updated Yield Curve Chart

For my Anatomy of the Fed class, I showed how the Austrian theory of the business cycle actually has a very natural explanation of the yield curve’s ability to “predict” recessions. (Details in my paper here.) Some people asked me to update the charts. Here ya go:

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Revisiting the Economics of Climate Change: Nordhaus, Tol, and Surprising Findings

I have a long post up at MasterResource, revisiting the issues that came up in my earlier response to Nordhaus. If you are interested in climate science, particularly the economics of climate change, I would immodestly recommend that you wait till you have a good 15 minutes and read this thing through. It’s by no […]

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Move Paul’s Book

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How to Amaze Jesus

I read a familiar gospel passage the other day, but took something away from it that had previously escaped my notice (in bold below): Mark 6:1-6 New King James Version (NKJV) Jesus Rejected at Nazareth 6 Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. 2 And […]

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Krugman Was Against Peak-to-Trough Calculations Before He Was For Them

Here I am, in beautiful Florida minding my own business, when Krugman comes out with yet another Kontradiction screaming for a reaction. So even though I’m on vacation, and yet spending 6 hours a day on my “real work,” duty compels me to comment. On July 3 Krugman started out a blog post like this: […]

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Feynman Bask

OK you scores of atheist readers, now’s your chance to make up for your hurtful Sunday commentary. I am trying to get my hands on Richard Feynman’s discussion (in one of his pop books, I’m almost certain) of when he was in a South American country, and the president (?) asked him what he, Feynman, […]

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God, the Hidden Tyrant?

Just a quick note: A while ago I linked to a 10-minute Christopher Hitchens video, in which he set out to disprove the existence of God. What he actually did was argue why the God of Western monotheism was a tyrant, and why he (Hitchens) was glad such a God didn’t exist. One of the […]

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==> Oh boy, here we go again, flirting with the event horizon in economics known as capital & interest theory. If I were an academic, puffing on my pipe and flaunting a tweed sportcoat, I could really get into this. As it is, you will have to content yourself with my comments in Nick Rowe’s […]

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