Author Archive
A Qualified Defense of CNN
So everybody is laughing at CNN, and I did too (on Facebook), because they initially reported that the Supreme Court had thrown out the individual mandate. But actually, their mistake is very understandable. If you look at the actual ruling, it’s over 60 pages long. Obviously news organizations aren’t going to parse the whole thing, […]
Read moreMy Time at Porcfest 2012
On Sunday I returned from five days in Lancaster, NH at “Porcfest,” short for the Porcupine Freedom Festival. (The porcupine is the mascot, because it doesn’t attack but can ably defend itself.) My first experience was at Porcfest 2011, where I had a blast, and once again Porcfest 2012 turned out to be my favorite […]
Read moreBask on Norwegian Oil Fund
I know Free Advice is a global behemoth, with readers from every continent. Therefore, someone please save me a lot of time, by telling me where I need to go to find out the basic policies of Norway’s oil fund (its old name). This is a special fund that takes in revenue from petroleum sales, […]
Read moreThe Dangers of the Modern Greenbacker Movement
Uh oh, I ask for a comeuppance by the MMTers in this new piece at The American Conservative: Lately there has been growing interest in what might be called the modern Greenbacker movement, in homage to the historical political party. The new movement deplores the current system under which the government issues interest-bearing debt to commercial […]
Read moreTom Woods on the Libertarian Moocher
The historian strikes back. (Incidentally, Tom charged me $1000 to host this video at Free Advice, so if you want to bake me a pie or something, I would appreciate it.)
Read morePaul Krugman: “We Have Always Been at War With a Bloated Housing Sector”
Usually I’m pretty good at seeing how Krugman isn’t actually contradicting himself, but instead is engaging in mere Kontradiction–where he twists the dials on something that could plausibly go either way, in order to always come down on the side of more government activism on an issue. It’s not that his decision to turn the […]
Read moreReminder: Anatomy of the Fed Starts Tonight
A quick reminder, my Mises Academy online class “Anatomy of the Fed” starts tonight. Special summer pricing: $79 for an 8-week course. Krugman is right, deflation is here.
Read moreThere Are Christian Anarchists
This is going to be a brief post since I have been traveling all day, coming back from Porcfest (which was awesome, by the way, but more on that as the video becomes available). Anyway, while at Porcfest I was chatting with an economics colleague, and she said that someone at dinner was stunned to […]
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