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==> Rob Bradley wants Resources for the Future to pay attention to Judith Curry and me. (Here’s an old RFF paper which shows how powerful the “tax interaction effect” can be.) ==> David Stockman is not bullish at the moment. ==> Jeffrey Rogers Hummel explains some technicalities of the budget deal, that affect Fed accounting. […]

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==> Rand Paul and Mark Spitznagel vs. the Fed. ==> This Telegraph piece makes a compelling case for building your bunker. (HT2 Zero Hedge, I think) ==> Did I already link to this? I think Scott Alexander here is getting things backwards. Is this worth me pursuing? ==> Nick Rowe again showing that he eats […]

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==> Justin Mohr asks me about the Great Depression. ==> Tyler Cowen posted this interesting excerpt on ACA (“ObamaCare”) enrollment. ==> Like Walter Block, Daniel Kuehn hates the term “market failure.” ==> MK Lords is disillusioned with certain elements of libertarianism. Just to warn all of you, after I get caught up on my day […]

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==> Blimey Cow on “there should be a law.” ==> A new Fraser Institute collection (edited by Don Boudreaux) on (the decline of) economic freedom and entrepreneurship in the US. ==> I liked this post by Bryan Caplan, on how “econ melts your brain” (and not in a good way–he doesn’t mean, “It’ll blow your […]

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==> Just an announcement, kids, I’m scaling back my frequency of posts at Mises CA; I’m just too busy. If you want to take your hand at it, feel free to pitch ideas to them at They often get picked up by ZeroHedge if that matters. ==> Someone else made a print version of […]

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==> My co-authors at the Fraser Institute and I have a new book out that explains economic principles to the layperson. The ideas are universal but the book is aimed at a Canadian audience. ==> When Tyler Cowen goes head-to-head against Scott Sumner, I side with Cowen. ==> Phil Magness has some fun with the […]

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==> In my latest Mises CA post, I dig up an old Scott Winship article *defending* Piketty from the FT’s Chris Giles. Hilarity ensues. ==> Speaking of the man, Tyler Cowen links to this interview with Piketty who said of the FT critique: “I have responded in a very precise manner to every point they raised, […]

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==> Tom Woods reports: My paper with Phil Magness on Piketty is the #1 downloaded in the past 60 days at Social Sciences Resource Network. If only truth were a popularity contest! (Oh wait, Piketty would be right then.) BTW, I should officially say that Phil did most of the laborious wading through Piketty’s spreadsheets, […]

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