Archive for Tea Party


==> David R. Henderson on the Nobel. ==> When reading posts like this from Bryan, I wonder if he hands out the syllabus on the first day of class that just says “YOU WILL GET NOTHING FROM THIS CLASS” at the top. ==> starts a petition to arrest Republicans in Congress for sedition. I’m […]

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Paul Ryan, Draconian Budget Slasher?

I just did a podcast with James Delingpole (yes, the climate change guy) and he had mentioned that we might discuss Paul Ryan’s budget. Turns out we didn’t talk about Ryan specifically, but here was the point I was going to make: Go to the actual budget proposal [.pdf] (so no fear that we’re relying […]

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Skullduggery in Maine

If you haven’t really been paying attention to the allegations of vote fraud in Maine, you really need to watch this whole thing. (HT2 LRC) It starts out a bit slow in the beginning but then it gets pretty good. For rank-and-file Republicans, I have a question for you: Isn’t it weird how your side […]

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Back From Michigan

I’m back in Music City. The bus tour in MIchigan was definitely a new experience for me. I was really hoping we would get hecklers but it never happened while I was there. Apparently there were some Occupiers who tried to disrupt the stops in Pennsylvania. We also saw evidence of them on the bus. […]

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Yes, Ron Paul Is Getting Screwed, But We Must Ignore It

The major media’s treatment of Ron Paul following his near-tie for first at the Iowa straw poll was so over-the-top that Jon Stewart (hardly a tea-bagging libertarian Fed-hater) called foul, as well as Politico’s Roger Simon (again, not himself a Paulian). In response, we’ve seen the usual non sequiturs. “Oh none of this proves that […]

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Paul on the Brain

I am getting ready to turn in, here at the Campaign for Liberty event in Iowa. Ron Paul’s plane was delayed, and Tom Woods had to give an impromptu speech in front of several hundred people to fill the void. What was really tricky was that Tom didn’t even know how long he had to […]

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Jason Rink Gave the Boldest Tea Party Speech yesterday

Wow. I really hope somebody caught it on video and this ends up on YouTube. The guy before me yesterday (at the Cincinnati Tea Party at Fifth Third Arena) was Jason Rink. I don’t want to spoil it. You won’t believe what he said to those people. And keep in mind, during the pre-game show […]

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