Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
It’s On: Murphy-Sumner Debate Begins in January 2013
Holy cow, I totally forgot to announce the news: I proposed to Scott Sumner that instead of a live video debate, instead we have a 3-part exchange. Each month, I will write a 2000 – 2500 word blog post challenging his views on NGDP targeting, to which he will respond with whatever length he desires. […]
Read moreQuotable Quote on Debt Burdens
It really clicked for me when I summarized my Freeman article this way: If an imperialist government paid for popular spending programs by levying a tax not on its own citizens but on a conquered land, the scheme would of course be a gigantic theft working across space and through the currency markets. Deficit finance […]
Read moreDebt Burden: Old Murphy vs. Young Murphy
Just to warn you, kids, there are at least another 3 posts in me on this topic. But it’s all new stuff. It’s kind of like every time they came out with a new Matrix: It wasn’t nearly as exciting as the first one you viewed, but you had to keep watching to the bitter […]
Read moreMurphy Talks to Yukon Boys About Anarchy
I am going to be on the Gadsen Rising show–which I believe is out of Alaska–from 4:30pm – 5:30pm Eastern time. I think they want to talk about private law and defense. You can stream it here.
Read moreTatianna Has a Special Request for YOU
For realz, come to Nashville on November 3. In fact, come the day before–Friday November 2, as I will be organizing a special karaoke outing. All the cool kids are doing it.
Read moreHarold Hotelling and Steve Landsburg vs Bob Murphy and George W. Bush
It doesn’t look good for me, does it? But give me a chance: During his commentary on the first presidential debate, Steve Landsburg wrote: 6) Romney says “all of the increase in energy has been on private land, not govt land”. Very ignorant. If there were more drilling on govt land, there’d be less on […]
Read morePotpourri
==> I finally give my thoughts on Krugman and the iPhone5. ==> I know this is “Dark Age of Macro” thinking according to Krugman et al., but I really liked this WSJ op ed on “the mess we’re in.” ==> The video of my recent participation in the discussion, “Is Capitalism Moral?” at IUPUI. If […]
Read moreI Am Taking Over YouTube
I’m trying to clear out my browser tabs. Here are some backlogged YouTube appearances: ==> My interview with Redmond W. of Mises Canada, right after the QE3 announcement. ==> “Messengers for Liberty” episode 2 and episode 3. (I don’t turn to the Dark Side in Episode III, sorry to spoil it.) ==> My interview with […]
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