Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion
“Hurricanes Are Nature’s Keynesianism”
I didn’t choose that title for my latest article at The American Conservative–it’s a bit too provocative for my tastes–but I don’t think it’s out of line. I don’t see why our Keynesian friends here (and even in the comments of my article) bristle so much at linking the two. Look at this earlier piece […]
Read moreNotes on Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
Someone ran across my CV and asked me if I could send anything I’d written on game theory. So I dug up my class notes (for an undergrad class at Hillsdale) on Kenneth Arrow’s famous “Impossibility Theorem” regarding social choice. I haven’t looked at these in 7 years, so I hope they’re right: ============= NOTES […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Redmond and I talk about all kinds of stuff for a good hour. This is actually “new” stuff if you are bored out of your mind at work and want to have this going in the background… ==> The Center for American Progress recycles my backside. ==> My brother sends this compilation of impressions. […]
Read moreIf You Could Ask Krugman Anything…
UPDATE: Video below! Kojo Prah writes me: Bob, I’m a student at Texas Tech University and I recently found out Paul Krugman will be giving a speech about the economic crisis with a Q&A at the end tomorrow the 25th. So I was wondering what question you would, if you were here, ask him. I […]
Read moreMoney Is a Spontaneous Order Not a Social Contrivance
Everybody has been talking about this “is money a bubble?” controversy. (Nick Rowe, in addition to being awesome on OLG apple models, is also good at linking everybody in this debate.) I want to make two main points: (1) This isn’t even about fiat money per se. Even if we’re talking about gold, once it […]
Read moreCAP’s Unsustainable Energy Vision
I don’t reproduce all of my Institute for Energy Research (IER) blog posts here, because they are often variations on the same themes. But this one on the Center for American Progress (CAP)’s new study is a good one to represent the kind of stuff I publish at IER’s blog. Some excerpts: Yes, it is […]
Read moreDetails on Pre-Music City Liberty Fest Karaoke Night Nov 2
A special guest helps me get the word out…
Read moreA Post on Debt Burdens for the Masses
I devoted my American Conservative column this time to everyone’s favorite question. For what it’s worth, I think this is the most succinct explanation I’ve given yet. Some key excerpts: What Baker and Krugman want to explode is the man-on-the-street’s moralistic objection to government budget deficits as being irresponsible and a burden on future generations, […]
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