Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Tucker Interviews Murphy on Illusion of Wealth

Laissez-Faire Books has released a new volume with excerpts of Mises talking about the business cycle. (Specifically, we went through Human Action and grabbed what the reader would need to fully understand the Austrian business cycle theory.) Here’s the interview about it. My son video-bombs us around 8:15.

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==> Some of you may have heard of the ethanol “blend wall.” In brief, the US government is literally requiring gasoline refiners to do contradictory things: One regulation insists they make the gas content higher than 10 percent ethanol, while another regulation forbids them from doing so. My colleague Mary Hutzler was the lead author […]

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Update on Krugman Debate

Nothing new here, but some of you might prefer video to text: And here’s where you make your pledge…

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==> An excerpt from Guido Hulsmann’s introduction to (what we know as) The Theory of Money & Credit. Incidentally, I wrote a Study Guide for this book, and believe me, it’s not as intimidating as it first appears. If you have always wanted to be the type of person to read it, but thought you […]

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While We Were Sleeping…

…someone emailed me to say that the KrugmanDebate pledge total is over $104,000! It may have been due to the heroic efforts of Tom Woods when he was guest-hosting Peter Schiff’s show. (I always picture Tom watching me and thinking, “Bob reminds me a lot of myself, when I was less famous.”) So you make […]

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Sequestration Analysis

Man the CBO makes it tough to figure out what absolute spending levels will be. Their analysis of the December/January budget deal–the one that spared us the horrors of the fiscal cliff–is couched as changes relative to the then-current baseline. So I took that as the August 2012 CBO Outlook, and constructed the following: I […]

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New NERA Study on Two Carbon Tax Scenarios

NERA Economic Consulting is out with a very nice study on two carbon tax scenarios. I know this modeling team (well, at least the lead author) and I think they are very nuanced in their analysis; if you scroll through the paper you can see they explain exactly what their charts are saying, etc. This […]

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More on the Minimum Wage

Some people thought I was reacting to comments on this blog, but actually, I am reacting to the peanut gallery on Facebook. I.e. I’m not here trying to convince a mainstream economist, rather I’m trying to convince someone who is sympathetic to Rothbardianism but thinks college professors don’t know what it’s like on the streetz.

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