Archive for Humor

Labor Union Nailed on Daily Show: I Am Stunned

Is this for real? I mean, when someone from the Daily Show wants to do an interview with you, don’t you know you’re dead? Seriously, what the heck is this? (HT2 LRC) The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

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Resistance Was Futile: I Joined Facebook

In high school I think I lasted until junior year before I started rolling up my pants like everyone else had been doing for years. I still maintain it was a dumb style, but everybody was doing it. (Incidentally, in high school the correct answer to, “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?” is, […]

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Michael Kinsley, Free Advice Reader?

Me, on August 27: A lot of folks are accusing Glenn Beck of trying to “hijack” the legacy of Martin Luther King. (E.g. try this.) But they’re going for the tired old cards of calling him a racist, a divider, etc. Instead they should just say this: We understand that black Americans don’t “own” the […]

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A Geek’s Geek

I always thought it was cool when people would refer to somebody as “a comedian’s comedian” or, more generally, “a [member of profession X]’s [member of profession X].” It was almost a non-falsifiable statement; if you said, “What are you talking about? That guy’s not funny at all!” the person could just roll his eyes […]

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Is Fox News Evil or Stupid? Jon Stewart Investigates

In the comments, NOTAL tips us off to this hilarious Daily Show clip where the crack team at Fox “follows the money” regarding the Ground Zero Vicinity Almost Mosque. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

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Tom Woods Throws Down the Gauntlet

Bob Wenzel passes along Tom Woods talking about book sales: Having been doing this for a number of years now, I’ve come to expect sales to be at about this level.  I realize it’s extremely difficult to sell in excess of 50,000 copies of a nonfiction title, which I have so far managed to do […]

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If I Could Take Government Money…

…I’d be all over this. (HT2 Lew Rockwell)

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The Mosque Controversy: I Am in Awe of Jon Stewart

Wow, look at what Jon Stewart and his writers did with this piece. Besides blowing up Fox News (and oh man the first clip is embarrassing), he actually admits his own participation in political tribalism in the past. Then he closes with an actually moving homage to Charlton Heston…and then a joke. Perfect. The Daily […]

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