Archive for Health Legislation

Should We Label Paul Krugman as a “Free-Market Economist”?

Yes kids, once again we return to a familiar theme here at Free Advice: trying to use evidence to get Daniel Kuehn to change his opinion on something involving Paul Krugman. Now many of you will say, “Bob, what’s up? You’ve written a book that has often been (erroneously) described as a NYT bestseller, you […]

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Jon Stewart Crushes Mitt Romney

I am really going to laugh if the Republicans end up nominating this guy. I can’t wait to hear Sean Hannity explain why RomneyCare in Massachusetts is a bold experiment in federalism, whereas ObamaCare in the USA is crazy socialism. The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The […]

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Fighting Fire With Fire

One of the things that most amused me about the recent MMT flare-up was that to blow me up, they cited the identity of my boss at IER, and then simply quoted from my article. So, since I’m rushed for time this morning, I’ll do the same with Krugman. Those who share my worldview don’t […]

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Who Needs Advertising?

I am sure there are nuanced arguments for government intervention in the health care sector. Not that I would endorse them, but I’m sure they exist. However, Krugman approvingly quotes the following today on his blog, and I don’t think it qualifies: A medical technology company is going public to generate the money it needs […]

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…though it pains me. But c’mon guys, we don’t need to put words into Krugman’s mouth like this: Krugman was NOT admitting there would be death panels. We can say he’s a naive fool for thinking we’ll limit the “advisory panels” (that can make binding decisions) to truly eradicating only ineffective treatments–and let’s leave aside […]

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“This is about helping sick people!”

Or is it? Note that the clips below aren’t from unemployed pot-smoking hippies leaving comments at a progressive blog. These are some of the most powerful people in the government.

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