Archive for Health Legislation

But the President Said I Could Keep My Health Insurance…?

Remember how President Obama defused all the paranoid whining from people who didn’t want the government to help poor people get insurance? For example: Yesterday I got this letter from my insurance company: I thought I was happy with my health insurance plan, but I must have been mistaken. That’s the only explanation. In any […]

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Slate Admits Sarah Palin Was Right About Death Panels

Remember in 2009 when Sarah Palin warned that Obamacare would lead to “death panels”? People ridiculed her alleged right-wing paranoia; PolitiFact christened her accusation the “Lie of the Year.” In this context, it’s ironic that a recent Slate article admits that socialized medicine goes hand in hand with government death panels. What’s even more disturbing […]

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Jon Stewart on Healthcare.Gov


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Avik Roy on What Went Wrong With

If these quotes are accurate, this is a pretty damning article. But don’t worry, we’re going to tax rich people enough to make it all work out in the end: A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange […]

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Krugman on ObamaCare: If We Can Insure Just One Person…

In light of the disastrous problems people are having signing up with ObamaCare–on NPR they just said the White House is still refusing to release any numbers–we’ve had some fun with Krugman’s proclamation on October 1, in a post titled, “Good Glitches,” where Krugman triumphantly informed us: So, very early reports are that Obamacare exchanges […]

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Someone Tell Krugman: More “Good Glitches” on Health Exchanges

Remember that on opening day of, Paul Krugman said the fact that people were hitting snafus with the website was actually a good thing, a sign of how many people were signing up. Well, Tyler Cowen links to Bob Laszewski’s alarming report on his investigations into the implementation of the ACA (aka ObamaCare). Here’s […]

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Two Views on the HealthCare Exchanges

CBS News has a story on the ObamaCare website, with the bold from me: launched more than a week ago, and while millions of Americans have signed into the site, not many have been able to actually sign up for insurance because of glitches with the website. … No one knows how many people […]

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ObamaCare Is Just a Stepping Stone to Nationalized Health Care

Home Depot joins the list of employers cutting back on medical coverage for their workers as ObamaCare looms. This should not be surprising: It is a logical consequence of the incentives set up by the scheme, just as surely as colleges are now cutting back on the courses they offer, in order to keep more […]

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