My Smug-O-Scope Is Broken So…
…I need you guys to explain something to me. The Order of the Phoenix debated whether I should respond to Noah Smith’s balanced and judicious essay on Austrian economics, and the ayes have it.
But before I write it up, I am genuinely confused on one point: Noah refers to the Austrians’ “antiSemitic overtones” and links to a this YouTube video, which has been out since 2013 and has “301+ views.” I can’t even figure out who released the video, let alone verify that it is someone associated with Austrian economics.
Am I missing something?
Sorry for the scant posting lately. Last week I was in New Hampshire, this week I’m at my parents’ house, and next week I’m at FreedomFest. Anyway:
==> A great conference on Christian Libertarians. I would go except it’s too close to the Night of Clarity event we’re holding in Nashville, for which I must help with the preparations.
==> Speaking of which, Tom Woods reaches out to the Christian Right. He’s so inclusive, that big softie.
==> A post on the “lost” IRS emails if you’re shocked, shocked that people in DC lie.
==> Interesting take on the Redskins’ ruling.
==> Rob Bradley talks about Henry Paulson‘s latest concern over climate change. (The man is a saint.) At IER I have a post coming out on this, probably next week.
==> My 9-year-old son is writing a novel and actually cares what you people think of it. I don’t know where I went wrong with the kid.
Hobby Lobby Ruling: Principle Will Set You Free
My latest LibertyChat post on the Hobby Lobby ruling:
The conservative supporters of the Hobby Lobby decision are correct when they say no employer should be forced to pay for contraception against his or her religious beliefs. The liberal opponents of the Hobby Lobby decision are correct when they say this principle would imply that religious pacifists shouldn’t have to pay for war.
If only these two camps would drop their petty sniping and see the beautiful vision of a truly free society: A prosperous world without stupid and stifling regulations on business, and a peaceful world without a snooping NSA and a fleet of flying killer robots controlled by megalomaniacs in DC.
Sneak-Peek Murphy Mises Academy Lectures on Free Trade
I was traveling and had to miss a lecture on free trade for the last Mises Academy class I taught, so I pre-recorded them. (Yes, as George Carlin would complain, this means I recorded them before I recorded them.) Now that the class has been closed for a bit, I thought it would be OK to show you guys the lectures so you will have the common sense to sign up for my next Academy course:
Tom Woods Interviews David Stockman
A great interview last week. In particular, Tom asks Stockman about Ronald Reagan’s governing style; really interesting stuff.
If you like what you hear, remember that both Stockman and Tom will be speaking at the Night of Clarity in Nashville August 15! Full details here.
Uncle Samta Fundraiser
Sorry for the radio silence everyone… I’m at the Porcupine Freedom Festival (aka “PorcFest”) in New Hampshire all this week.
But check out this “Uncle Samta” campaign. In the explanatory video, there are a few minutes sampling the movie, which is really professional. I told one of the creators I would pass along the link in case any of you are intrigued…
Did Paulson Warn of the Financial Bubble?
I know there are a jillion YouTube clips of Ben Bernanke telling people not to worry, up until the world collapsed in September 2008, but did Henry Paulson say anything comparable? Written statements OK, but YouTube clips preferable.
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