Author Archive

Murphy Interviewed by Woods on Peter Schiff Show

Tom is hosting The Peter Schiff show right now, and they are having me on at 11am Eastern. I think you can listen live here.

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Krugman Acquitted of One Count of Perjury, Brought Up on New Charges

OK I want to prove that I am a fair guy, so first let me say that Krugman in this Bloomberg video didn’t deny that the Fed caused the housing bubble. If you start playing the video around 19:35, it’s clear that the interviewer is asking about federal government programs like Fannie Mae and the […]

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Sen. Rand Paul Gets in Trouble Again

The Facebook outrage of the day is now because of this inappropriate joke: Look, my view here is the same thing as with his dad’s newsletters: This was a joke in poor taste. Does Rand Paul hate gay people? Well, he says he doesn’t, and here he’s “preaching to the choir”; these aren’t his after-the-fact […]

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Jesus Is Consistent With the Old Testament God

In church today the pastor read a statement from a theologian that astounded me. (BTW I know at least one guy who goes to my church also reads this blog, so it should go without saying that I am criticizing this particular point without malice. I like the sermons, I just sometimes think they say […]

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My Response to Nordhaus on “Global Warming Skeptics”

Back in March economist William Nordhaus wrote a long essay in the New York Review of Books in which he took on the “global warming skeptics,” and in particular 16 scientists who had written a WSJ op ed urging caution before embracing government measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Today IER put up my detailed […]

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* I have been saving up posts on the alleged “austerity” over in the UK and Europe, but the news is moving fast and I’d better just send you to the relevant links. So first of all, here is Tyler Cowen showing an awesome graph from Veronique de Rugy detailing nominal government spending in various […]

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A Question on the Controversy Over North Carolina’s Amendment

I am surely going to regret posting this, but hey nobody said you could stay on the cutting edge of the blogosphere by playing it safe… So in the small society (and I use the term loosely) of my Facebook friends, people were very angry about the North Carolina amendment prohibiting gay marriage. One of […]

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At This Point Paul Krugman Is Just Playing With Us About Housing

OK so let’s refresh everyone’s memory. Back in 2002, Paul Krugman infamously wrote in a NYT article: The basic point is that the recession of 2001 wasn’t a typical postwar slump, brought on when an inflation-fighting Fed raises interest rates and easily ended by a snapback in housing and consumer spending when the Fed brings […]

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