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Betting Bryan on Ron Paul vs. Ross Perot
What I find most amusing about Bryan Caplan’s recent blog post about Ron Paul is that it wouldn’t surprise me if he had no idea just how condescending it is. Anyway, try this part: Will Paul’s legacy be any more lasting than, say, H. Ross Perot’s? Doherty’s convinced that it will be. I’m still unsure… […]
Read moreMurphy Twin Spin Krugman Kracking
Ah, the best birthday present a boy could hope for! As a pure coincidence, my independent critiques of Krugman run on the same day. In this piece at, I take on Krugman’s recent thoughts on the Fed and employment data. An excerpt: Steve Horwitz does a good job explaining why Krugman’s understanding of US […]
Read moreI Can Take Back the Crazy Pills–I Wasn’t Straw-Manning the Keynesians
[UPDATE below.] In response to one of my posts on austerity, the magnanimous “Lord Keynes” quoted me and then responded like so: (3) Murphy shows himself incompetent in even understanding basic elements of Keynesian economics. He asserts: “First let’s consider the deficit as a % of GDP, which is how Keynesians typically evaluate stimulus in […]
Read moreDog Bites Man! or, Another Klassic Krugman Kontradiction on Keynesianism
A few days ago I began to doubt myself and said that after my two Krugman pieces ran this week in different outlets (still forthcoming), I would move on to greener pastures. I had become weary of pointing out every time Krugman pulled a rhetorical sleight of hand (often while yelling at what a bunch […]
Read moreLord Keynes Beautifully Illustrates Why We Get Nowhere in the Stimulus Debate
My son has off from school today and I have agreed to watch old episodes of X-Men with him in 9 minutes… (Hey, I make sacrifices for the next generation.) Therefore I have to be brief, and can’t paint the picture from scratch, but will instead just dive right into the weeds… In a previous […]
Read moreThe Ten Commandments
My idiosyncratic Bible study program–“Read at least one chapter a night, and keep going till I fall asleep”–has led me to Exodus. A few nights ago I hit the Ten Commandments. Now growing up, I remember thinking that God had some weird priorities. I mean, everybody knows that the worst thing you can possibly do […]
Read moreThoughts and Links on the Austerity Debate
[UPDATE below.] As usual, I have been saving links waiting to write a piece de resistance. Instead, I’ll give hors-d’ouevres…. ==> In this post Scott Sumner riffs on a recent Krugman post. Did you have any idea that Sweden ran a budget surplus of 2% of GDP in 2011? Me neither. Reading Krugman certainly did […]
Read moreWeissenberger and Murphy Solve the World’s Problems in 46 Minutes
Redmond and I talk about climate models and the euro. Never before have so few pontificated about so much for so long.
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