Author Archive

Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman

Geez, the guy beats me to getting on Leno and the Daily Show, and now this (it starts at 1:05): Thanks to a bunch of people emailing me / posting on my FB wall about this…

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Wenzel vs. Murphy: You Decide

[UPDATE below.] Well, Bob Wenzel has already been knighted due to his remarks at the NY Fed, so in the interests of keeping Sir Bob humble, I want to recall something back from November. Some of you may remember that Tom Landstreet and I had a piece run on Nov. 7 on Forbes, in which […]

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Steve Landsburg, Religious Atheist

I have previously said that U of R economist Steve Landsburg is a very religious atheist, and I mean that sincerely. Steve derives his sense of the universe from mathematics, as opposed to his belief in a personal God. If it turned out that arithmetic contained a contradiction, I really think we would find Steve […]

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Tom Woods & Friends Launch “Liberty Classroom”

The internet just keeps getting cooler. Tom Woods has launched his Liberty Classroom, where he and other liberty-loving lecturers guide you through world history. (An economics program is coming soon.) There is a modest fee that gets you access to everything. However, you can view some freebie material before deciding whether to steer some of […]

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Brad DeLong: We Have Always Been at War With Sluggish NGDP Growth

Brad DeLong in his latest blog post is aghast at Ben Bernanke’s recent remarks on why the Fed isn’t doing more. Don’t worry about what Bernanke said; the interesting part is when DeLong, in exasperation after quoting Bernanke’s can’t-do attitude, says this: Target the path of nominal GDP, people! You know, I thought that this […]

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EPA Official Uses Historical Analogy to Explain His Enforcement Philosophy

This is pretty amazing. The fireworks start about 20 seconds into it. For more background on this, see this Forbes article.

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Assessing the Production Tax Credit

Just what you always wanted to know about… The intro: The Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy is set to expire at the end of this year. In March the Senate failed to pass Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) measure that would have extended the PTC (and other renewables tax credits), while Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D-NJ) bill […]

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Here’s a Sentence I Never Thought I’d Blog

This is a link to Robert Wenzel’s prepared remarks for the speech he just gave to the NY Federal Reserve Bank. Let’s watch Wenzel’s blogging over the next few weeks and make sure he hasn’t been replaced.

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