Author Archive

Krugman At Least Clarifies His Position on the Broken Window

Lots of people have been asking me to weigh in on Krugman’s discussion of the JPMorgan post on the iPhone5. (Fun fact: Michael Feroli, the author of the JPMorgan piece, was in my cohort at NYU. I’ve emailed him to see what he thinks of Krugman’s interpretation.) I’m seeing if it makes sense for me […]

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==> David Gordon is teaching Part I (the “philosophy part”) of Human Action starting tomorrow at Mises Academy. ==> I was skeptical when Tom Woods told me he posted another video responding to Max Keiser, but after watching this I think its humor justifies giving the guy another 6 minutes of our attention. ==> Oh, […]

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The Buck Doesn’t Stop With Moses

In my nightly Bible reading I recently came across what I consider to be a hilarious aspect of the Old Testament. In Numbers 20 we see the Lord get angry at Moses for doubting His words: 20 Then the children of Israel, the whole congregation, came into the Wilderness of Zin… 2 Now there was […]

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Lying Politicians Outsourcing

OK kids, I want to make the point in a forthcoming paper that we should be wary of “revenue neutral tax reform,” and cite what happened with the federal income tax after it was introduced in 1913. At first the rates were really low, mostly on the rich. But by 1918 the rates had skyrocketed […]

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But Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?

I stumbled across this on YouTube. Walter Block says that this essay was one of the best intros to free-market anarchism he’s read (or something like that). And hey–he’s read a lot! Anyway, the State is lucky I don’t have this guy’s voice:

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Condi Rice a Stranger to Cost/Benefit Analysis

It’s funny, Steve Landsburg is gushing over Condoleeza Rice’s speech at the RNC (though he is careful to say he doesn’t endorse everything she said), whereas I had to turn it off when I caught it in the car. Why did I flip it off? Because I caught it on this part, which a lot […]

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The Austrian School in the Present Crisis

This was a talk Tom had given at Mises U this year. Boy he’s a dapper dresser!

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Murphy Responds to Ezra Klein’s Crazy Fed Proposal

Steve Landsburg took a swing (and missed! But head up Steve no one bats a thousand) at Ezra Klein’s crazy Fed proposal when I was down at Mises U, just in time for me to incorporate it into my talk that day. Thanks to Chad Parish for editing. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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