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==> This was a post I did on ethanol policy and food prices a few weeks ago. There’s a surprise. ==> Don’t worry about ethanol mandates causing high food prices. The US military is here to save the day. ==> There’s a famous econ blogger out there, who thinks the authorities need to boost Aggregate […]
Read moreWhen You Think a Lot About Liberty, Your Hair Falls Out
This is Stefan Molyneux, who for some inexplicable reason is a bigger star in the libertarian community than me…so far. In all seriousness, this was a very pleasant interview. At the end we even dabble in religion, and no one is smited (though perhaps smitten).
Read moreUpdate on Scott Sumner Debate
A few people lately have been asking me about this. Well, I am still not yet ready to face Vader. I don’t want to lose a hand. However, it occurs to me that I could win the debate just by saying, “Scott Sumner published this on his blog. And fans of the free market are […]
Read moreMises on “We Owe the Debt to Ourselves”
Wow, did I blog about this back when we had the fall of Western civilization? Anyway Mises–in a footnote of course–could have saved all of us a month of hassle: The most popular of these doctrines is crystallized in the phrase: A public debt is no burden because we owe it to ourselves. If this […]
Read moreYes Gene, God Knows the Future
Gene Callahan has an odd post where he writes: It might seem that the doctrine of divine omniscience means that God knows the future. Many have so interpreted it. I think that is wrong. God can only know what can be known. But the future is just a name we use for what has not […]
Read moreBursting Sumner’s Bubble, the Climax
I added the below in an update to my original post, but I want to make sure y’all see this one: Thanks to the sleuthing of Dan, we are able to produce the following work of beauty: (A) “I’m a believer in the EMH and hence skeptical of the idea of bubbles, a least as […]
Read morePopping Sumner’s Bubble
[UPDATE below.] I’m telling you guys, “Scott Sumner” is a computer program from another planet, sent to destroy the dollar and soften up Earth for the invasion. Today he writes: I am constantly amazed that so many highly intelligent economists and finance-types seem incapable of understanding something as simple as an asset price bubble. There […]
Read moreTom Woods Gives Friendly Advice to Paul Krugman
Remember kids, it’s From there you can go directly to the pledge page. I have plenty of fun ideas to promote this in the coming months, but I can’t do too much if the pledge total peaks. But if it keeps rising, then it’s still a “story” and I can work with it.
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