Author Archive
Tom Woods Keeps Krugman’s Feet to the Fire
Tom Woods has posted another video, this one on Krugman’s rhetorical questions about Austrians and MMMF: A few points: ==> I totally forgot to be snarky about this, but Tom’s video reminded me: I thought Krugman said he wouldn’t debate me, because he didn’t want to give a platform to Austrian views? So now we […]
Read moreExplainer: Why I Claim Scott Sumner Is Insane in the Brain
I often say that I think Scott Sumner is “insane.” Now, on the one hand I’m obviously just joking; as I’ve mentioned a few times, Scott has a good sense of humor and I think he (mostly) appreciates my jabs (though not of course my policy recommendations). On the other hand, though, I choose the […]
Read morePorcfest 2012: The Roast of Chris “Ron Paul’s Freaking Giant” Lawless
Oh boy I am naughty. It’s Friday afternoon, almost quitting time (depending on which time zone you’re in), and you’ve got just that one last project to wrap up so you can enjoy your weekend. But, it’s been a while since that last cup of coffee and you’re dragging… In this context, I drop the […]
Read moreTIPS Breakeven Bask
Hey kids, I just want to make sure I’m interpreting these Bloomberg charts right. As usual, please be clear when you chime in, if you actually know what you’re talking about, or if you are just guessing. Guessing is welcome, but just be clear if that’s what you’re doing, please. So I think this chart […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Joe Salerno replies to George Selgin regarding Krugman’s challenge to the Austrians on MMMF. I actually think both Joe and George are wrong: They both use the phrase “could care less” when, in context, it is clear that they meant “couldn’t care less.” (Joe uses it in the post, George in his second reply, […]
Still got a lot of tweakin’ to do, but the foundation is now here (new camera and lapel mic). Thanks to Josh from Blimey Cow for helping me get going again, and of course to Tom Woods for bugging me periodically.
Read morePotpourri
==> Here’s my American Conservative article from a week or two ago, talking about the myth of British austerity. If I do say so myself, my second chart (the third in the article) is a really good rebuttal to Krugman on this topic. I think it deals well with the “they have austerity relative to […]
Read moreDavid Frum Tells Us Exactly How Awful He Used to Be
UPDATE below. UPDATE #2 below. Listening to lectures about evil right-wingers from David Frum (passed on gleefully by Brad DeLong et al.) is like listening to Rush Limbaugh praise the virtues of marriage. Here he is, commenting on the Mitt Romney tapes: Romney has been reshaped by this campaign. The dread to which Romney gives […]
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