Author Archive
Did Jesus Die for Everyone’s Sins?
This post is intended for genuine believers in Christ, or at least, those who are intimate with the Christian worldview. If you are the type of person who thinks it’s completely obvious that there’s no God, that the idea of sacrifice or vicarious atonement is repugnant, etc., there are plenty of Sundays when I’m happy […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Redmond and I talk about all kinds of stuff for a good hour. This is actually “new” stuff if you are bored out of your mind at work and want to have this going in the background… ==> The Center for American Progress recycles my backside. ==> My brother sends this compilation of impressions. […]
Read moreIf You Could Ask Krugman Anything…
UPDATE: Video below! Kojo Prah writes me: Bob, I’m a student at Texas Tech University and I recently found out Paul Krugman will be giving a speech about the economic crisis with a Q&A at the end tomorrow the 25th. So I was wondering what question you would, if you were here, ask him. I […]
Read moreMoney Is a Spontaneous Order Not a Social Contrivance
Everybody has been talking about this “is money a bubble?” controversy. (Nick Rowe, in addition to being awesome on OLG apple models, is also good at linking everybody in this debate.) I want to make two main points: (1) This isn’t even about fiat money per se. Even if we’re talking about gold, once it […]
Read moreCallahan’s Unsustainable Attacks on Nick Rowe
Gene has been annoying me in the debate on a topic that shall no longer be mentioned on this blog (for calendar 2012 at least), with post titles suggesting that Nick Rowe is unfamiliar with the history of economic thought. Then in this post Gene accused Rowe of “arrogantly insisting” on the importance of his […]
Read moreMy Final Word (This Generation): The DEBT Really Is Fundamental
If you have begun skipping these, I ask you to read this final word from me. This is new stuff.–RPM OK kids don’t worry, this is going to be out of my system now, unless Krugman or somebody puts up something new. But I really wanted to illustrate the epiphany I had last Friday, which […]
Read moreTechnical Bask: Easiest Way to Record an Audio Interview?
Hey kids, I am going to interview a Big Gun (not Rumseld, but someone you know) for an upcoming issue of the Lara-Murphy Report. The person is busy though, and wants to just do it over the phone (rather than typing in answers to a Word document I send, full of questions). What is the […]
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