Author Archive
Some Respect for Joseph
On Facebook I just wrote the following silliness: The most implausible aspect of the Christmas story isn’t the Virgin Birth. Rather, it’s a guy telling his wife, “I had a dream last night, pack the kid, we’re moving to Egypt,” and she says, “OK.” (BTW, if you’re not my Friend on Facebook, I really have […]
Read moreAnd to All a Good Night
You guys already know about this, but maybe you have someone on your list who’s been naughty and reading Scott Sumner or something. Also, I needed to break up the karaoke videos on my YouTube channel…
Read moreA Request For the Free-Riding Single Gun-Toters Who Sometimes Sleep
In light of our recent discussion on pacifism, familiar points arose. I have a simple request: If you live by yourself and own a gun, I want you to please put a big sign on your front lawn that says: I LIVE ALONE. I GO TO BED BY 11PM EVERY NIGHT. MY BEDROOM IS ON […]
Read moreShooting Down Russ Roberts
[UPDATE below.] Suppose someone says, “You know, rather than waiting for the politicians in Washington DC to solve the nation’s drug problem, maybe parents ought to focus on keeping their own kids from using pot.” Or, suppose a short guy said, “Be the change you to want to see in the world.” Not only do […]
Read moreNew Keynesians, Casey Mulligan, and Sticky Prices: Krugman Must Be Hammered at This Point
I realize some of you think I spend too much time detailing every little inconsistency in The Compleat Works of Paul Krugman, but with great power comes great responsibility. I happen to have a large amount of Krugman’s writings in my mind, and it causes me physical pain when I read his blog and see […]
Read moreI Found a New Place to Dwell
I’ve revamped the “Read At Your Own Risk” links since the old list was pretty stale. The one major change I want to draw to your attention is the addition of J.P. Koning’s blog. Just click on it right now and scroll through the topics. If you are interested in the history of monetary institutions, […]
Read morePolish Data Bask
Can anyone point me to “official” statistics for Polish consumer price inflation and GDP growth from, say, 2000 onward?
Read moreRowe Ruh Roh
Sorry, I was trying to come up with the analog of a Krugman Kontradiction for Nick Rowe, and this was it… Some of you may recall that I happily linked to Nick Rowe explaining just how nutty was Paul Krugman’s praise of a hypothetical bond vigilante attack on the US. (Remember, Brad DeLong had to […]
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