Author Archive

Murphy to Be on Robert Wenzel Show

Next Sunday (not tomorrow), January 13. We’ll be discussing Krugman/DeLong and other things, no doubt. In case you have never heard his interviews, Wenzel is a pitbull.

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Thoughts on the New Budget Deal

==> Scott Sumner and Steve Landsburg are none too happy. ==> David R. Henderson takes a different perspective. ==> I come down on the side of the whiners in this IER post, though I understand what David is saying. (I think we’re mostly just disagreeing about what the relevant baseline should be. Compared to 2012, […]

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Why Aren’t There More Libertarian Girls?

Oh wow, this issue is exploding. Tom Woods expresses his feelings, and Bryan Caplan weighs in. In case you haven’t seen it, this is the video that annoyed Steve Horwitz and Sarah Skwire: I am going to offer some quick thoughts. But first, a disclaimer: I am not going to keep writing “in general” or […]

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Inside a Mob Family

I was listening to this Fresh Air interview with the son of mobster Frank Calabrese. The interview was from 2011 but Frank Sr. apparently just died on Christmas, so they re-broadcast it. It’s pretty good stuff; there are details about loan sharking and killing a guy who is wily, etc. The mob movies are always […]

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“Token Libertarian Girl” on Fiscal Cliff

Julie Borowski put this video up in mid-December, but I just saw it. I was perusing her videos after Steve Horwitz (and Sarah Skwire) sent her to the time-out corner for her most recent video (not the below one). Julie’s big-picture objective is to make libertarian ideas more appealing in the popular culture. I think […]

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==> I want to call your attention to a major UPDATE I made to my response to DeLong/Krugman, inspired by Nick Rowe’s thoughts on macroeconomic disputes. ==> Justin Merrill makes some good points about Cantillon Effects. One thing I had meant to mention myself: The people objecting to the “simplistic” Austrian critiques love to say, […]

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Learning From Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman

[UPDATE below.] Rather than have a long series of posts discussing the fallout from my (price) inflation bet with David R. Henderson, I decided to do one comprehensive reply to Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman. I had toyed with not even responding, but two things ruled that out: (1) This isn’t a case of two […]

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Krugman-DeLong Smackdown

Oh my gosh, the Great One has jumped in as well. And perhaps he will bring in enough extra ad revenue to pay my obligation to David? This part of Krugman’s post made me literally laugh out loud, such that people in Barnes & Noble gave me the stink eye: “The fact is that while […]

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