Author Archive
A Nuanced Point in the Outrage Over Cyprus
I meant to remark on this a few days ago, but I’m a busy guy… When the Cyprus bailout-plus-tax-on-depositors was first announced, most people flipped out, saying it was stealing money from the average Joe in order to rectify the bad investment decisions of the fat cats. I myself took this tack in the March […]
Read moreStockman-Bashing Is Seriously Getting Out of Hand
This is really amazing. I had coffee with a young finance guy (just graduating) today and I remarked, “I can’t believe the treatment David Stockman is getting, the proportion of ridicule to actual examination of his arguments. The only analogous thing I can remember is how people treated Ron Paul.” Seriously, this is insane. Look […]
Read moreMarket Monetarists, Like Ogres, Have Many Layers
(In the title I’m referring to this.) You know, I really have tried over the last few years to make sense of a guy who says the fundamental explanation for our economic malaise, is that Ben Bernanke has implemented the tightest monetary policy since the Hoover Administration. But it’s tough. In a recent article in […]
Read moreFor Krugman, the Size of a Deficit Depends on the Point He’s Trying to Make
This is barely worth blogging about, since I know exactly what Krugman’s apologists will say, but what the heck? I love it when Landsburg criticizes Krugman, so this post is for his psychic enjoyment… In a March 28 post, Krugman wrote: “Back in the Reagan years two unprecedented things began happening to the US economy. […]
Read moreLara and Murphy Presentation in Nashville
Tonight, April 2, 2013, my co-author Carlos Lara and I will be giving a talk in the Brentwood Public Library on our view of the US economy (it’s bleak) and what households can do. Much of what we will discuss comes from our book, if you are curious but want to get a sense of […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Jack Hunter argues that even though he’s in favor of gay marriage personally (thinking it should be decided legally at the state level), he strongly objects to the rhetoric of saying it is akin to the Civil Rights movement for blacks. I still think Gene Callahan has the best observation on this whole issue […]
Read moreBrad DeLong Makes a Refreshing, Yet Ironic, Confession
UPDATE below. Brad DeLong has a post up (HT2 Scott Sumner) where he has the courage to announce: “What I Got Wrong: Batting 2 for 8.” Long-time Free Advice readers can appreciate why this piqued my interest. But it gets better. If I understand the indentation of his bullet points (showing which predictions were right […]
Read moreThoughts on Luke’s Resurrection Account
In church today we covered Luke 24: 1-12: 24 Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them,[a] came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 Then they went […]
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