Author Archive

Krugman Ignores Massive Human Suffering

Really! Watch where I take this post. In a post titled, “Debasing Lincoln” Krugman writes: Greg Sargent catches John Boehner invoking none other than Abraham Lincoln to inveigh against the deficit. This is pretty funny — in multiple ways. One is the whole notion of relying on Lincoln as an authority on economic policy. Why […]

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More on Keynesians Loving the Boom

A few posts ago, I pointed out that Krugman unintentionally let slip the fact that he wants policies that reignite a boom. Naturally, a Krugman defender said I was nuts in the comments. Perhaps this quote from Brad DeLong will be more convincing: In the 12 years of the Great Depression – between the stock-market […]

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Another Myth Created Before Our Very Eyes?

David Friedman had some cool posts a while ago, hunting down various myths about social conservatives. (I can’t go look them up right now.) The pattern was: anti-religious people would absolutely flip out over some “nutjob Christian” stance somebody took, it would become common knowledge, and the only problem was…it was either totally backwards or […]

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Disposing of the Classical Liberal Tradition in Minutes

Steve Landsburg rightfully went supernova on Robert Frank for his (Frank’s) NYT op ed defending Mayor Bloomberg. Frank actually wrote: But while almost everyone celebrates freedom in the abstract, defending one cherished freedom often requires sacrificing another. Whatever the flaws in Mr. Bloomberg’s proposal, it sprang from an entirely commendable concern: a desire to protect […]

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==> I’m not going to bother with a full write-up, but in this post Krugman makes a joke, but inadvertently reveals what we’ve been saying all along: His solution to a depressed economy is to ignite a boom. In this particular post, Krugman is ridiculing the idea that Ireland is in recovery, because they’re not […]

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More On Krugman Judging People On Their Records

In a previous post, I walked through just how hilarious it was, that Krugman complains about people not punishing policymakers who had bad economic predictions, when he himself said there was no one he’d rather be reappointed than Ben Bernanke. Today I’ve got another gem. In this post, Krugman writes: The excellent Kathleen Geier — […]

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Right-Wing Revisionism

You remember that part in the Declaration of Independence that says “Union Forever!” and that pokes fun at the people whining about government tyranny? Oh wait, that’s a tweet from a Heritage Foundation lady mocking Tom Woods.

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==> If you’re interested in the economics of climate change, I throw out some factoids in this blog post that may surprise you. ==> Somebody asked me to find this (I had cited it in my Rothbard study guide), so I thought I’d relay it to y’all: It’s a wonderful essay by Bohm-Bawerk that includes […]

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