Author Archive

All Tom Woods, All the Time

==> Here Tom explodes the notion that the medieval folk believed in a flat Earth. ==> Here Tom continues his modern-day crusade against Michael Lind.  Tom does an impression of Lind and writes: The U.S. is not a practical arrangement to be evaluated according to objective criteria. It is a mystical, self-justifying entity. It is […]

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My Opponents OutDo Me

During my debate with MMT guru Warren Mosler last week (raw video available here), I thought I had some good zingers that I was anxious to unleash on poor Warren. For example, I had an analogy for MMT, in which a couple is worried about their finances, and the wife says she will take a […]

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Impossibly Ironic Quote of the Day

“If the perspective is we’re trying to hide something because we did something wrong, we’re not.” — NSA head General Keith Alexander, testifying before Congress on his secret program of collecting information on millions of phone calls and emails. BONUS: This next one isn’t so much ironic, as moronic. If you asked me to write […]

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Obama Administration Increases Estimate of “Social Cost of Carbon”

For you wonky types, I walk through the White House’s humongous increase in the estimated “social cost of carbon.” An excerpt: As the above table illustrates, the latest White House “update” isn’t a minor tweaking of the numbers, polishing off a few decimal places, as it were. No, depending on which framing of “the” social […]

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==> This is one odd webpage. Talk about anti-carb! ==> “Stickman” makes fun of a bunch of us econ bloggers. ==> I need to break into the IRS speaking circuit. ==> Now we know why every Seinfeld episode features a reference to Superman. ==> Tom Woods vs. E.J. Dionne on US economic history. I don’t […]

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Obama Sets the Worriers Straight

I don’t want to spoil this. Just watch it.

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Go West, Young Socialist

I vaguely knew about these stats, but when I saw them in this table (while researching Crown ownership of Canadian land), it really struck me: Isn’t that kind of humongous? And why don’t free-market types talk about this more? Is this mostly worthless land, of the kind that Lex Luthor snatched up in the first […]

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Night of Clarity Featuring Ron Paul

This year’s “Night of Clarity” in Nashville (August 23) features Ron Paul as our headliner. We also have Tom Woods, Larry Reed, and Nelson Nash coming. Naturally Carlos Lara and I will also be sharing our wit and wisdom with the assembled masses. There are limited student discount seats available, so especially if you’re a […]

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