Author Archive
Counterfactuals to the Keynesian Rescue, Once Again
On the one hand, I appreciate the fact that Neil Irwin is at least dealing with the cognitive dissonance that the blogging Keynesians have set up for themselves, with respect to the allegedly slam-dunk empirical evidence against “austerity.” He writes: This is the U.S. economy in a nutshell, as revealed in Tuesday’s news ticker: Housing […]
Read morePotpourri
==> A cool page on meteorite strikes; just watch it. (HT2 Daniel Kuehn) ==> On the Krugman/Reinhart-Rogoff exchange, unfortunately I suspected that there might be something fishy going on with their shocked, shocked reaction to claims that they didn’t share their data. I’m not completely certain of the true situation, but this Joe Weisenthal gloating […]
Read moreBeatles Bask
I came across this Neil Irwin post about those dastardly rich people who don’t want the government taking the majority of their money. In contrast to people who would flee a country because of taxes, Irwin gives the example of the heroic Beatles: Here’s an important thing to remember, though: There is, in these debates, […]
Read moreCaitlin Long: Vulnerability of Fed’s Balance Sheet
Caitlin Long, head of Corporate Strategies at Morgan Stanley, shared a report they have distributed to their clients. (She gave permission for me to quote from it.) Caitlin is a former student from my Mises Academy classes, and was one of the first people Carlos and I interviewed in our Lara-Murphy Report. Here’s Caitlin: * […]
Read moreGreat Moments in Paradox History
“War Is Peace.” — George Orwell, 1984 “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,” US military official quoted by Peter Arnett. “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.” — George W. Bush “If you are worried about the dangers of an extended period of low interest rates, the […]
Read morePotpourri
==> I realize this is childish, but these naughty K-Mart commercials (here and here) made me chuckle. (Thanks to Sam T.) ==> The CBO came out with a report last week, which many will think makes a slam-dunk case for a carbon tax. But using the very same CBO report, I can show how dubious […]
Read moreDo Modern Evangelicals Oppose the Census?
[UPDATE below.] In my nightly reading I came across this passage in 1 Chronicles 21: 21 Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel. 2 So David said to Joab and to the leaders of the people, “Go, number Israel from Beersheba to Dan, and bring the number of them to […]
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