24 Jan 2019

Dave Smith Talks Comedy and More on the Bob Murphy Show

All Posts, Bob Murphy Show 4 Comments

This was a really fun one. We spend most of the time discussing stand-up comedy, but then transition to the Fed, fatherhood, and faith.

4 Responses to “Dave Smith Talks Comedy and More on the Bob Murphy Show”

  1. Thane Eichenauer says:

    The day I noticed that Bob Murphy had a podcast.

  2. Tel says:

    By some weird coincidence this has come along.


    Your podcast appears to have greater reach than anyone expected.

  3. Matt M says:

    While watching the Super Bowl, I instructed my girlfriend to keep a close eye on the guy who was signing the national anthem, because there was a good chance he was probably just faking it.

    Although my personal favorite bit from Dave’s special is the one about Hillary’s team trying to “humanize” her before the election. “Imagine, you’re on the verge of winning the Presidency, but your biggest problem is that the voters aren’t entirely sure whether or not you’re actually human…”

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