Two Visions
==> On the one hand, you can listen to Danny Glover and write-in Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary.
==> On the other hand, you can sign up for Joe Salerno’s 6-week Mises Academy class on Austrian macroeconomics.
I’ve never taken a Mises Academy course, but Joe Salerno on Austrian macro for only $59? Count me in! That’s a freaking steal.
JF, you’ve ignored the 10 (?) courses I’ve pimped from these pages over the years, and now you’re signing up for Salerno’s? You cut me deep.
Sorry, man. Salerno gets into the parts of economics that most interest me: time and money. Plus, I already read your blog, which is called “Free Advice” if I am not mistaken. It doesn’t take an economist to figure this out …

I laughed.
Speaking of pimping things, when will your Human Action re-boot be published? For Kindle I hope.
I should warn you, Fetz is costing you money. He already persuaded me to move Jaynes’s Bicameral Mind ahead of your recession book in my Kindle purchase priority list!
I didn’t do that, you did that.
Well, I am more persuasive.
Dr. Murphy,
Alas, I won’t be taking Salerno’s course, because I’m already enrolled in a different one. But (without naming names) I would like to say that I’ve been disappointed, as the teacher is not nearly as prepared or as engaging as you were during the courses I’ve taken from you. I guess I assumed all MA courses were equally polished. I guessed wrong!
I’ll take Salerno and Austrian macroeconomics for $59.
I’m on a budget, and am waiting for the part 2 of Human Action to come around. It would have been nice to have Salerno teach that course, he’s a wise Austrian. Seems like a great class though. I hope you end up teach that Human Action 2 course Professor Murphy. It sucks living here in NY without getting some good education from the one and only Robert P Murphy.